"espero que me hayas extrañado"

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Charles' POV
I'd just got out of the shower when I heard my phone buzz, quickly wrapping the towel around my waist I walked out of the bathroom picking my phone up from my bed side cabinet. I didn't think she'd actually call yet there her name was, flashing on my screen. I'd asked Pierre for her number, using the excuse that I was her ride to her hotel next week since Carlos didn't know and I needed to ask her about the details. I was excited to see her again in Australia, Lando had informed me after he put two and two together that it was me she went after that night in the club, not back to the hotel to put some more comfortable shoes on, I can't believe he believed it anyway but I suppose Lando is Lando.

I swiped the accept button on my phone listening to the line connect, I was met by silence momentarily until I heard a soft Spanish accent on the other end "Charles? Hello?" Her voice sounded hoarse, as if she'd had a long day and was just about to fall asleep, yet she still made the effort to call. "I hear you're coming to Australia next week" I cleared my throat, rolling my eyes at my own response, not even a hello to the girl Charles, nice one. She replied differently to what I'd imagine she would have, not a trace of confusion as to why I just asked that question outright "yeah I am, I'm looking forward to seeing you all" butterflies, why was I getting butterflies?, I'm a 25 year old man and I was getting giddy over a simple response. Peyton was an easy girl to talk to, she was extremely laid back to the point where if she was anymore, she'd fall over, but that's what made me drawn to her, that and how she always put others needs before her own. I didn't want the phone call to end, I wanted her to stay and talk to me all night, so I waffled on for a while, telling her I would be her lift from the airport back to her hotel, gathering all the details about her flight times, dates etc: I asked her about her day, what her upcoming plans were for the weekend, how college was going and how she was feeling about coming to watch the race in Melbourne. Asking questions isn't something I normally do, I find it better to keep things short and sweet, no need to make unnecessary small talk, yet I couldn't help myself from letting my curiosity get the better of me. Every cell in my body was telling me to stay on that call and talk to her, and I caved.

Peyton's POV
My flight had just landed in Melbourne, Charles insisted on picking me up and taking me to the hotel, since Lewis had booked me into the Mercedes hotel so Carlos didn't see me in the Ferrari one and it ruin the surprise. I was still confused as to why Charles was so adamant on coming to get me, Lewis offered to come himself but Charles insisted it was him that would come. I left the terminal and walked myself to the exit of the airport where I was met by a sleeping Charles on the seats close to the doors "tired Leclerc?" His eyes shot open, scanning his surroundings, meeting my own, a small smile plastered on his face and he got up, giving me a small hug. He took the bags out of my hand and gestured for me to follow him into the car park. The car ride back to the hotel wasn't too far away, a 30 minute drive at most, Charles talked to me the whole way there, I'd never seen this side of him before, maybe it was because it was just me and him? But I liked it, it felt natural and I felt at ease with him. We talked about all sorts, plans for the race weekend and how we were getting to Daniel's house in Perth, I told him I was flying commercial as Carlos didn't know I was going to the race so I wasn't able to arrange to fly with him, the look of confusion plastered on his face caught me off guard "I'll fly with you" his words made me choke on the sip of water I'd just attempted to swallow, I looked at him with a arched brow and a smirk on my face "what?" He questioned, I just shook my head slightly, looking down at the watch on my wrist, "you don't have to do that for me Charles, i can fly on my own" a scoff left his mouth and he laughed lightly "don't question it, it's happening, and we're also going out for dinner tomorrow night" my eyes pinged open, focusing on the side of his face noticing his smirk growing as his fingers tapped lightly on the steering wheel to what felt like the beat of my heart as it quickened with every tap. I didn't argue, mainly because the curiosity building up inside of me urged me to go along with it and go for dinner with him, but as soon as those words slipped off his tongue, my brain didn't even question it, I just nodded, applying a small smile to my face and looked back at the road ahead of us.

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