"Welcome to a la casa de Daniel"

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Charles' POV
It was a close call in Peyton's room, I let my feelings get the better of me when I should be protecting her by staying as far away as possible. Her sweet giggles echoed in my ears as I lay thinking about the possible out come of the night. In a way, I was glad Carlos walked in, preventing it from going any further as I would not have been able to control myself. I wanted her, I needed her so badly that I was willing to let my morals slip for her. The only thing I could do now, to keep her safe, was to distance myself from her, even if it killed me inside.

Peyton's POV
I'd not heard a peep from Charles since our fiasco in my hotel room the night before. I thought it was because of race day and him not having much time to chat, but even at the track it seemed like he done his best to avoid me at all costs. The race was long, and the temperatures were unbelievably hot that myself, Lou, Kelly, Kika and Isa all sat in the shade by the grandstand to watch. Carlos placed p3, Max in p2 and much to our surprise, Daniel came p1. The crowds erupted as the Aussie boy crossed the finish line, it was his home race after all, if it wasn't for Lewis getting a DNF and Max spinning off track, he'd of probably had a harder battle.

After the podium celebrations I went to go find Carlos in his garage to say I'd see him in Perth in a few hours. I'd come to the conclusion that I was getting my flight on my own as it was clear Charles wasn't coming with me by his avoidance of me for the whole day. I'd finally found Carlos, wishing him congratulations on his podium, stopping for a small chat before heading out of the garage. As I was leaving, I caught a glimpse of eyes staring at me from the pit lane, a glimpse of HIS eyes staring at me. Turning to look at him, he turned his attention immediately to the man standing next to him, carrying on his conversation.

I'd arrived at the airport, letting Carlos and Lou know I'd got there safely and I'd be on my flight in the next hour. Carlos tried his best to get me on their flight but it wasn't possible with the amount of passengers already boarding. Max had been contacting me none stop for the 2 days beforehand, he was going to propose to Kelly in Perth but wanted to make sure everything was perfect for her.

I boarded my flight by myself, Lou had text me that they had taken off little under half an hour before me so they'd meet me at the airport in Perth

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I boarded my flight by myself, Lou had text me that they had taken off little under half an hour before me so they'd meet me at the airport in Perth. The flight was quiet, leaving me to drown in my thoughts, thousands of questions crossing my mind, all coming back to him. What was his game? Why was he playing it with me? I felt mixtures of emotions, wondering if that night in my hotel room actually meant something to him or if it was just a mistake that happened in the moment. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the pilot announcing we were about to land, gathering my stuff and shoving it in my bag, I prepared my self for what would lie ahead in the upcoming weeks.

I shared a car with Carlos, Daniel and Isa on the way back to Daniel's house, Daniel gave us the full agenda of the next 2 weeks, his smile growing even wider than I thought possible as he explained all the activities he had planned. They were all aware of Maxes plans to propose to Kelly, so he'd left 2 days blank off his list to make room for celebrating. I had helped Max plan his proposal, ordering the flowers and organising the venue, I basically organised the full fucking thing, it took my mind off of things so I didn't mind.

"Welcome to a La cassa Daniel" Daniel shouted as we walked up his drive way, a chuckle escalig his lips as he pronounced each word. We'd arrived at Daniels quite late, lugging our bags into his house as he allocated the rooms to different people. Everyone headed to bed as soon as we entered the home, leaving me, Daniel, Carlos and Charles wondering around the living room and kitchen, grabbing something to eat and putting a movie on in the living room. Daniel made us all a pizza and made it clear he wanted to watch Selling sunset on Netflix, which i was extremely happy about as I loved it, Carlos and Charles not so much. Time slipped away from us and many episodes were watched, with Daniel being able to recite several episodes word for word. Carlos headed off to bed and Daniel and Charles sat chatting absolute shit on the sofa after consuming one too many beers, I'd decided to go for a walk to Daniel's back yard as I wasn't ready for bed just yet. His garden was beautiful, the grass neatly lawned with plants and flowers planted in colour coordination, I noticed his farm in a distance, surrounded by a dirt track and several horses on the field, their shiny skin reflecting off the moon light in the distance. The fire in Daniels back yard was lit, taking the chill from the surrounding air, I hovered my hands above, warming them up while wrapping my hoodie around my body as tightly as I could. Sitting on the outside sofa, I could hear laughter escaping the living room through the little crack in the door, I turned my head to face the flames, feeling the heat ripple on my skin as I sunk into the seat, resting my feet on the table beside me and placing my head on the fence. The door slid open slightly, revealing a drunk and giddy Charles stumbling onto the decking "oh I did not realise somebody was out here" his face scrunched up as his tone was questioning, as if he  was confused as to why I was out on my own. He took a seat on the chair next to me, letting out a loud sigh, pursing his lips as he played with the ring on his finger. The fire reflected perfectly in his eyes as they flickered open and shut several times, his eyelashes draping on his skin each time, I sat and stared at him momentarily before looking back at the fire letting a small yet  noticeable sigh. His head turned in my direction, letting his eyes travel from my legs to my eyes, giving me a questioning look, "what's your game Leclerc?" My eyes met his as the words left my mouth, he scoffed, resulting in my eyes rolling dramatically "I'm not playing a game, what happened was a mistake, it meant nothing to me" my brows furrowed as I felt my grip tightening around my jumper, he stared into the fire pit, his voice monotone as he continued to play with his ring. I could feel the anger build up inside of me, "vete a la mierda charles" {fuck you Charles} is the last words that left my mouth as I stormed back into the house, making my way to my bedroom, letting every emotion I felt flow as I sat with my knees huddled into my chest, letting my quiet sobs echo into the sleeve of my hoodie.

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