"No regrets, only memories"

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It was the day after Max and Kelly's engagement celebrations which carried on into the early hours of the morning. I rinsed away my regrets with the shower head while everyone still slept comfortably, some in their rooms and some in various other rooms of the house. The feeling of the remaining champagne unsticking itself from my skin made me think about the events leading up to this very moment, how I ended up in this specific en-suite and why it wasn't my clothes lying on the floor in front of me. My arms wrapped themselves around my body as my fingers caressed my arms lightly, still feeling the tingling sensation of his touch, making their way up to my lips that were still swollen and plump. The mixture of euphoria mixed with regret made me feel nauseous, my hands began to tremble as they gripped onto my skin even harder than they were and the question of what would today bring flooded my thoughts.

8 hours prior...
We all stumbled through the front door or Daniel's house after a long night spent on the beach celebrating Max and Kelly's engagement. Several bottles of champagne were wasted, the liquid clinging to our bodies like a wet towel, everyone's eyes lighting up ever so slightly at the sight of sparklers being twirled and swirled around by Lando, Daniel, Pierre, Max and Carlos as they made up dance routines and as the night died down, the fire Lewis had lit livened up as the flames radiated off our skin keeping the cool Australian air at bay. We were all gathered around the fire, having endless discussions about the races to come that season, making bets on who would get pole position in Azerbaijan, who would win the race, what the results table would look like at the end of the season. I bet everything on Carlos, betting even more he would get a win within the next few races. While chatter filled the air among the 20 of us sitting around the fire, Charles' hand never once left my lower back, keeping me positioned up right on the logs we were perched on, giving it gentle rubs every so often to assure me he was still paying attention I was there. We all went round one by one telling our favourite story's of Max and Kelly, Lando's being during lockdown when Max locked Kelly out of the apartment just so he could have 5 minutes peace, to which he sat on the sofa with his headphones blasting super max while she banged on the door to let her in, we all shared a hearty laugh about that one. The ride back to Daniel's was short, the atmosphere between everyone was still at its peak as the alcohol still coursed through everyone's bloodstream. Stumbling through the front door of Dan's house, majority of us made our way to our bedrooms with only a small hand full of us placing ourselves around the living room. After staying up for another hour chatting to Dan, Charles, Lou, Kika and a few others I'd decided it was time to head up to bed and try and get some what of a decent sleep.

Reaching for the door handle to enter my room, my body was met by another, hands grasped my waist as a warm breath of air trailed down my neck, a low husky voice muttered into my ear sending what felt like electrical waves throughout my body as each individual hair stood up straight. I adjusted my posture, shuffling further back into his grip as the words "do you want me to stop P?" echoed into my ear drum. I could feel my body becoming limp at the feeling of his touch, a quiet "no" escaped my lips as my eyes fluttered open and shut and my head nuzzled further back into his neck. His hands made their way to my breasts, gently caressing them as he trailed soft kisses down my neck. The thought of Carlos being in the room next door and walking out at any moment made me come back to reality ever so slightly, grabbing Charles and dragging him down the hall into his room, a small chuckle left his lips followed by "I didn't know you could be so bossy, it's sexy" which resulted in a smirk to form on my face. This was wrong, in more ways than one, he was my cousins team mate and he only ever acknowledged me if he wanted to play his stupid little mind games, I told myself after that night Saudi Arabia nothing like this would ever happen again. Yet there I was, standing in his room, in-front of him, internally begging for him to fuck me that very second. As though my prayers had been listened to, his hand found the rear of my neck, gripping onto it tightly, while his other hand made its way to my chin, perching it up slightly while his thumb caressed my lower lip. I could feel myself melting at his touch, his cologne drowning me in thoughts that would send me straight to hell. "tell me you want this" were the words that snapped me from my trance, without thinking, my hands made their way to his shoulders, gripping them as I used them to pull me on my toes, my lips making their way to his ear, giving his lobe a quick brush with them before whispering "I want this....I want...you" as soon as those words left my lips, it was the confirmation he needed to sweep me up, crashing his lips onto my own as a mixture of hunger and passion moved them in sync with each other. My fingers ran through his curls and his hands gripped my arse, causing a small moan to escape my mouth and echo into his. Placing me down on the bed, he forced my legs apart, positioning himself between them as they wrapped around his waist, our lips not parting for a second. My hands made their way from his neck to his clothed torso as my fingers danced lightly with the hem of his top, giving it a small tug as an indication to remove it, doing the same with his shorts, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. His actions mimicked mine as his hands found their way to the zipper of my jeans, pulling it down with force, unbuttoning them as he gave them a hard tug until they reached my ankles in which I used my feet to kick them to the floor. His hands slid from my torso to under my T-shirt, raising it above my head and throwing it to the floor. I lay in my bra and underwear, gasping for air as our lips had only parted for a mere second. I could feel him growing beneath me as he reversed the positions we were in so I was now sitting on top of him, grinding my hips in rhythm with his own, causing small moans to escape from both our mouths. His hands caressed my back and his fingers made their way to my bra buckle, effortlessly undoing it causing my bra to fall to my lap. Using his free hand that wasn't keeping me up right, he picked it up, throwing it to the ground then returning his grip to my breast, massaging it gently as he trailed more tender kisses down my neck onto my collar bone. I removed both my hands from his hair, letting them fall to the waistband of his boxers, tugging at them to come off as I un-straddled his lap, his length caused me to gasp slightly as my stomach sucked in, wondering how I was going to adjust to his size. Before I had time to think any further, Charles used both his hands to pin me to the bed so he was now on top of me, removing my underwear and using his knee to part my legs further. The feeling of champagne still clung to my body as it's sweet smell diffused throughout the room. Locking his gaze with my own, a small smirk made it's way onto his face as his head traveled down my body, his tongue travelling over every dent and curve on my body as he licked the champagne from my skin making sure his grip tightened on my thighs with every taste he got. A loud moan escaped my lips, resulting in me to throw my spare hand that wasn't gripping the sheets over my mouth as his fingers slipped inside of me, slowly thrusting in and out as his other hand massaged my breast. His gaze met my own as his head made its way back up to mine, his lips crashing onto mine as he removed his fingers from inside of me. His voice rang in my ears as he whispered a quiet "Are you sure you want this P? after tonight you'll be begging for more" my middle grew wetter as my insides screamed for him, without hesitation my hands pulled his head lower so his  lips were connected to mine  as he positioned himself against my entrance, slowly thrusting in and out resulting in a moan rippling off his lips. His pace sped up as my hips moved with his, causing him to thrust deeper and harder into me. My hands found their way to his back as my nails clawed his skin, releasing the feeling of sensation building up in my stomach, my toes curling with each thrust. I could feel my self getting close as my moans grew louder and my panting quickened. Gripping onto Charles' arm I gave him the reassuring signal that I was close to which he done the same. His thrusts slowed down as his pounding became more gentle, allowing us both to cum in time with each other. And with that, he placed a small kiss on my forehead, throwing himself down beside me on the bed as he pulled the duvet up over our naked bodies, wrapping his arm around my waist as his head nuzzled into my neck. Within moments, soft snores rippled on my skin as our chests moved in union, moving my eyes to look at the sleeping man laying on my chest, a small smile found it's way onto my face as I kissed the top of his head gently, unsure of what tomorrow would bring but knowing right there in that moment, laying cuddled into Charles, I felt content and happiness. My eyes grew heavy as I could feel sleep creeping up on me, "Buenas noches Charles" is all I could say before falling into a deep slumber.

The next morning I awoke before Charles, lying in a complete different position to the night before. I was now nuzzled into his chest as both his arms were wrapped around me and his chin rested on the top of my head. I slowly released my self from his grip doing my best not to wake him. Grabbing his T-shirt from the floor, I slipped it over my small frame and made my way into his en-suite giving myself a quick glance over in the floor length mirror that was in there. Walking over to the shower, I turned the dial to the hottest temperature there was, hoping to warm myself up as the cold feeling of exhaustion waved over me. Pulling the T-shirt over my head, I flung it to the floor, stepping into the shower as the steam swallowed me up. I rinsed away my regrets with the shower head while everyone still slept comfortably, some in their rooms and some in various other rooms of the house. The feeling of the remaining champagne unsticking itself from my skin made me think about the events leading up to this very moment, how I ended up in this specific en-suite and why it wasn't my clothes lying on the floor in front of me. My arms wrapped themselves around my body as my fingers caressed my arms lightly, still feeling the tingling sensation of his touch, making their way up to my lips that were still swollen and plump. The mixture of euphoria mixed with regret made me feel nauseous, my hands began to tremble as they gripped onto my skin even harder than they were and the question of what would today bring flooded my thoughts. My feeling of regret wasn't because of who I woke up next to or the 'events' that took place, it was the fear of Carlos finding out, what he might think. His cousin who he hasn't seen in years, sleeping with one of his best friends the 3rd race into the season. I shook my thoughts away, turning off the shower and making my way back into the bedroom, gathering my belongings and sneaking my way back down the hall into my own room to get dressed. I left Charles a note on his bedside table, stating I'd left before everyone woke up and someone caught us, not because I regretted waking up there.

After getting dressed into some comfy clothes, I made my way into Daniels kitchen to grab some food and a few pain killers as my head was pounding from the hangover I was now experiencing. Giving my eyes a gentle rub as I walked through the hallway into the kitchen, I was met by a very wide awake Daniel, sitting on the bar stool, a wide smile being shone in my direction. My brows furrowed as I gave him a questioning look "Morning Peyton, did we sleep well?" my confusion grew further as I edged closer to him, sitting down on the stool across from him. "We?" I asked quietly, trying not to wake the others in the living room next door. "Yes, we, you know, you and Leclerc?" My eyes widened at the mention of his name and suddenly, my severe hangover was the least of my worries. I snapped my head to look at him, his grin growing even wider as I'd just confirmed his suspicions. A small chuckle escaped his lips as he patted me on the back "don't worry, I won't tell anyone, it can be our little secret" his eye formed a sharp wink as my shoulders slumped back in relaxation. I smiled at him, letting him know how thankful I was for his participation in keeping hushed. He turned to exit the kitchen but before reaching the door, he gently pivoted on his heel, gripping the side of the door frame while he faced me, "just remember Peyton, no regrets, only memories" and with that he vanished into the hallway, his words still lingering in the air 'no regrets Peyton, only memories' I repeated back to myself over and over.

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