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I sat hunched over the toilet gripping the bowl with one hand as the other held the hair out of my face, my insides becoming diminished as I felt last nights dinner come away from me. I had been back in Madrid for 5 weeks since returning from Perth, using each day productively to furnish the apartment and complete college work. I had just 5 weeks of college left before I graduated, becoming the youngest person to do so for my course at just 20 years old. I graduated high school a year early at 17, attending college a month later, meaning I got a year head start on everyone else. This was the only upside to having a rich family, the private tutoring that came into force from a young age, making me more academically advanced than the average person my age as well as more mature.

I was now spending my time, when I wasn't on the phone to Carlos, Lou or Kika, preparing for my final exams that would be taking place in the next two weeks, spending every hour from early morning to late at night sitting on the balcony in my apartment, fresh lemonade in hand, studying. The sooner finals were out the way, the quicker I graduated and the quicker I'd be in Italy with everyone for race weekend and Yuki's birthday. We'd all mutually decided, without Yuki's input, that we'd all fly to Italy a week before the race to celebrate his birthday, the timing working perfectly for me as we flew out the day after I finished college. Since finding out I was joining them on the trip, both Daniel and Lando hadn't stopped messaging me about Charles' behaviour towards my attendance, stating that he never shut up about how he'd missed having me around, earning several snide remarks from Daniel over FaceTime about how 'he's sure Charles missed more than having me around' resulting in a very confused Lando.

I had been feeling poorly after 3 weeks of arriving home, suffering from severe stomach cramps and constant sickness at random times of the day. I'd put it down to the stress of finals and exhaustion due to the long hours of studying I was putting in. Carlos made sure I was in bed every night by 9 pm, insisting  'necesitas descansar para recuperarte Peyton' {you need rest to recover Peyton} my response the same every night, reassuring him I was fine and was just mentally exhausted from all the work I had been doing, yet still complying with his wishes and finding myself dozing off before 10 pm each night, nuzzled into the hoodie I stole from Charles in Perth.

5 Weeks Prior...
We sat around the fire pit in Dan's back garden, cold breeze causing the flames to dance side to side. Goosebumps formed on my skin as I edged closer to the fire to gain some kind of warmth to stop my self from shivering. Softness grazed my shoulders, slowly covering the top of my arms as a soothing material was wrapped around me, trapping the heat between myself and the object. I glanced over my shoulder, my brain functioning slower than normal as it took several seconds to process it was Charles swaddling me in his hoodie as his arms stayed wrapped around my collar bone. I nuzzled my self further into his touch, the goosebumps on my arms slowly starting to deflate as his hands caused friction due to them caressing my skin. The action carried on for several minutes, resulting in my eyes to grow heavy as my breathing shallowed. Laughter filled the air from those around me as Lando and Carols challenged each other to friendly boxing matches, Lando betting he could get Carlos to the floor by round 2. Charles shared the occasional laugh, the huskiness of his voice vibrating against my head that was laid upon his chest as I listened to the thumps of his heart get slower with each sip of beer he took. I could feel my eyes becoming heavy as my body slowly fell unconscious.

I woke the next morning tucked up in my own bed, still dressed in the same clothes as the night before, except an overly sized hoodie now consumed half my body. Crawling out of the sheets, I slipped my feet into the slippers beside my bed and made my way to the living room where I found Luisinha sprawled over the sofa, cup of tea in her hand watching the tv. I greeted her with a short and soft cuddle from behind, whispering a shallow "Buenos días hermosa niña" {Good morning my beautiful girl} which resulted in her spinning around, smile plastered on her face as her arms reached out, indicating for me to move closer to her. Grabbing a glass of water from the kitchen I joined Lou on the sofa, fixating my eyes on the programme playing on the tv before turning to look at her, her fingers dancing lightly on the cup in her hands. Her eyes turned to look at me, her expression growing confused as I continued to stare at her, blank expression posed on my face. "qué ocurre" {what's wrong?} she asked, cocking her eyebrow up as her tone was questioning. "quien me acostó anoche lou?" {who put me to bed last night lou?} I questioned, my hand finding it's way to my cheek to keep my head up right. "Charles did, it was quite cute actually, he hushed everyone once you'd fell asleep and then picked you up, stating you needed your rest and he was going to put you to bed, before walking into the house" my head shot up immediately at her words, I'd just assumed it was Carlos who put me to bed. I could feel the palms of my hand growing more clammy as my fingers gripped tighter around my jaw, it was Charles who carried me to bed, Charles who tucked me in, Charles who put his own hoodie on me to keep me warm, and suddenly, my body formed goosebumps, this time from the feeling of warmth and security as a small smile formed on my face at the thought of him.
I woke up sprawled across the double bed in my room, sun beaming through the cracks in the curtain as a cool breeze travelled through the open balcony door. I rolled over to face my bedside table, grabbing my phone to check any unread messages, emails and phone calls. I climbed out of bed, making my way over to the wardrobe to grab clothes for the day, opting for white boyfriend jeans and an oversized brown blazer with my converse, deciding to go shopping for the day since it was my day off.

Arriving at the store, I made my way round the aisles, paying close attention to everything on the shelves, seeing if there was anything I needed for the apartment or for Italy. My phone vibrated in my back pocket, startling me slightly, pulling it out, a notification from my period tracker appeared on the Home Screen, stating I was a week late. My hand gripped my phone slightly tighter as my eyes pinned to the notification, I had been so busy with studying and renovating that I didn't even realise I was late. I stood questioning my next actions momentarily before walking to the health care aisle, hesitantly grabbing a pregnancy test off the shelf, reassuring my self I was only late because of the stress I'd been under lately and there was no way I was pregnant.

Tears, they fell, bouncing off the tiles on the floor in my bathroom as my hands clenched the side of the sink, my heart getting louder and louder with each beat as my chest fluctuated up and down rapidly. My eyes glued to my reflection in the mirror, lip quivering as my jaw slowly began to ache, eyes becoming swollen and red. Picking the test up beside me, I stared at it once more, brushing my finger over the top of it hoping it would somehow change. A soft moan left my lips as the tears grew heavier, drowning my eyes in sorrow and regret. A strong double line laid upon the test, it was positive, I was pregnant, I was pregnant with Charles' baby, I was going to be a mother, he was going to be a father, we were going to be parents, together...It explains it all, the nausea, the consistent sickness, tiredness, hunger, it all made sense now. The room spun around me, becoming darker by the second, my limbs became limp, causing me to crumble to the floor, lying in a pool of my own tears, my eyes closed, my breathing shallowed and the world just simply stopped.

PeytonSainz added to her story for the first time in a while.

Hi!I'm so sorry for not uploading when I said I was going to! I just had severe writers block, hence why this chapter is pretty rubbish

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I'm so sorry for not uploading when I said I was going to! I just had severe writers block, hence why this chapter is pretty rubbish.
How did we all find the Aussi GP?! CHAOS, I'm just glad Lando and Oscar were able to get their first points finally! Heart aches for Charles though, Ferrari doing him worse than last season🥲
New chapter soon! I promise

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