14. In Love

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Everyone decided that they would finally go to fight 001, before he tried to kill someone else.

After lunch time, Jonathan talked to Mike in the dining room.

- Listen, in this bag I put some important stuff that you might need. Argyle will take you to the supermarket first, anyway. When you’re done there, he's gonna tell us. - Jonathan said.

- What are you talking about? - Mike asked.

- We need 001 to chase Will, but not to find him. It'll be just a little more than half an hour of travel. We just need that half an hour.

- He's gonna find out! - Mike exclaimed.

- You just have to lie, Mike. Don't tell me that's something difficult for you. - Jonathan said and cut the conversation.

Then, he left and went to El's room to talk to Will.

- Are you ready for this? - Jonathan asked.

- I think so... But I still don't know what role I'm taking on this. - Will said.

- You're assuming the most important role. - Jonathan said. - You're gonna confront him eye to eye. - He lied. - Do you think you can do that?

When Will heard that phrase from Jonathan, something inside him awoke, something that was alert to everything Will could perceive with his senses.

- I guess so. I want to end him once and for all. - Will replied, determined.

- Alright. - Jonathan said, relieved.

At least, one of them was going to be safe.

That was how, an hour later, everyone was ready to go face 001. Everyone got into Steve and Hopper’s cars as Will and Mike got into Argyle’s van, and he drove them to the supermarket.

There, Argyle got out of the van and asked Mike and Will to stay there, so Will would not know that what he really went there for, was to privately control that everyone was in position, and not to buy extra supplies.

- Why is he taking so long? - Will asked, desperately. He needed to know where he was going, because Henry needed him to know it.

- I… I don’t know. - Mike said, nervous. - Maybe he went to the bathroom.

- Pass me the walkie, i’m gonna call him. - Will said

-  No, no, no. - Mike said, more nervous. - Don’t worry, I will.

Mike grabbed the walkie-talkie and called Argyle.

- Hey, Argyle… are you coming yet? Over. - Mike asked, nervous.

- Huh… I’m looking for some…. beans. But the beans are not in the position they should be… yet. Over and out. - Argyle lied, telling Mike that the others were not ready yet in a coded way.

Will looked at Mike confused.

- What do we need beans for? - Will asked, a bit annoyed.

- I don’t know. But, don’t worry, he’s gonna find them quickly.

Minutes later, Argyle showed up again and finally got into the van.

- Are you ready, brochachos? - He asked and then grabbed the walkie talkie. - We got the beans. Over and out.

That was how he told Jonathan that they were ready to go, and that they would have half an hour to attack 001 from now.

Then, he slowly started driving, as Will was paying close attention to the road so he could know the exact coordinates of where they were going.

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