Chapter 7 - Lost And Found

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Haewon: I'll see you soon baby just wait until I get back from school! 

This is how it is now...I watched as the psychopath who kidnapped me left the basement after she made sure I wouldn't leave. I tried in the three weeks its been since I woke up in her basement I've tried but nothings worked...At least she lets me walk around now. I needed something to save me someone...I need to be found please...find me Gaeul...

Gaeul POV

Yujin: Unnie where are you going? 

I didn't answer after I saw her I was in a fit of rage I know she has something to do with Y/n's disappearance she is the only person that could have done something to him. I grabbed her from her group of friends and dragged her to the bathroom so that I could talk to her in private.

Gaeul: Where is Y/n! 

Haewon: I don't know I'm as worried as you. 

Gaeul: Liar. He told me that he would tell me when he got home but he didn't and where was he all day? 

Haewon: With me? 

Gaeul: Exactly! It was you! 

Haewon: Will you stop shouting? 

I grabbed her collar as I pushed her against the wall. 

Haewon: Oh you are dominant I see. My baby would like you I'm the dominant one in the relationship. 

 Gaeul: Where the fuck is Y/n! 

Haewon: My baby is where he needs to be. 

Gaeul: So you do have him! 

Haewon: Of course I do. He belongs to me after all. My sweet little puppy. He doesn't behave all the time so I have to take his food privilege's away sometimes but other than that he is perfect.

Gaeul: You are starving him!? Where is he! Stop fucking around Haewon! 

Haewon: You will never know because all you want to do is steal his attention away from me. 

She pushed my arms off her as she walked out of the bathroom with a smug smile. I'll save you Y/n. I promise I will save you. 


I'm hungry...But Haewon isn't allowing me to eat she didn't get me anything...Could I kill myself down here? Is that the only way to free myself? I looked around the room and spotted something. A mistake from Haewon that could free me from this place. I moved across the room as I went towards the object that could free me. I laid on the floor and moved my arm under the cabinet and grabbed it. It was only a hair pin but maybe just maybe I could undo the lock on the door from the inside. I walked up the stairs and began to fiddle with the pin in the door lock. I rested my head on the door as I glanced at the clock on the opposite side of the room. 1:26 pm and hour and a half before Haewon finishes school. I have time.

Y/n: Please. For once let luck be on my side. 

I heard a click in the door letting making my tired eyes widen as I managed to open the door. Her house was two floors and was completely empty. I went straight to her front door and upon realizing it was locked searched a bowl of keys next to it hoping one would free me. 

Gaeul POV 

Gaeul: Sir you have to listen to me! 

Headmaster: Gaeul I understand you and Y/n were close but maybe its a good thing he's gone maybe he found peace. 


Headmaster: Gaeul I'm not going to punish you for that language I understand you miss him but please don't say that another student has kidnapped him.

In her heart (Yandere Haewon x Male Reader x Gaeul)Where stories live. Discover now