Chapter 4 - Moving on

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I opened my eyes and saw Miss Taeyeon above me. 

Taeyeon: Why aren't you in class Y/n? 

Y/n: I don't feel well...

Taeyeon: Then why are you here and not the nurses office? 

Y/n: Uh...I don't like her. 

Taeyeon: What's wrong with nurse Sana? 

Y/n: She's way too clumsy. 

Taeyeon: I know...I leave you here for now. Ok? 

Y/n: Thank you. 

Taeyeon: You better be in class late or I'm coming to drag you there myself. 

Y/n: Alright teach.

Taeyeon: I'll see you later then Y/n. 

Y/n: Bye. 

I checked my phone as it read 11: 54 there were six minutes until lunch break. I stood up and put my blazer on before grabbing Gaeuls and carefully folding it before holding it in my hand. I made my way out of the dance room and over to Gaeuls classroom. When I reached outside the room the time was 11:59 only a minute until she comes out of class. When her class was dismissed people charged out of the room until I saw her with a slight worry on her face as she came out of the door. The worry faded once she saw me waiting for her and instead she sped up and when she reached me hugged me tightly. 

Gaeul: Why didn't you stay in the dance room? 

Y/n: I wanted to wait for you. 

Gaeul: Thank you. Shall we head to lunch then? 

Y/n: Mhm. 

I handed her blazer over which she put on before grabbing my hand as we walked down the hallway together. When we reached the cafeteria Gaeul walked me over to our group of friends and sat me down before running off to get both of our meals. I watched as she begun to walk back to our table only to be tripped on the way back. 

Yuna: Sorry~ 

I quickly stood up and went over to her as Yuna and her friends started to make fun of her. 

Ryujin: You really need to watch where you are going.  

Once I reached over to them I went in front of Gaeul and helped her up as they looked at me.

Yeji: Y/n why are you covering for her? She's the reason why you and Yuna broke up. 

After Yeji said that I heard murmurs come from all over the cafeteria. 

Y/n: Are you an idiot? We broke up because the schools perfect princess doesn't know how to stay loyal to her so called prince. Isn't that right Yuna? You are just a slut who craves attention and because you are like what a 9/10 on the outside you think you can do what you want. In reality you are a 1/10 on the inside so you balance out to like a 4/10 overall.

Yuna: How can you say that about me! I gave you a chance Y/n I'm the reason you are popular! 

Y/n: See. You screaming that for everyone to hear proves I'm right. Oh and before I take Gaeul away from you when you give head in the future stop using your teeth. Just a tip for you. 

I turned back around and walked Gaeul back to our table before getting the two of us new food. Once I made it back to our table I placed it down and ruffled Gaeuls hair before sitting down next to her.

Y/n: You ok? 

Gaeul: Yeah thank you. I'm sorry you had to do that...

Y/n: Don't be sorry a very pretty girl told me that's what friends are for.

I watched as she blushed before hugging my arm as she begun to eat. While we were eating a third year aggressively slammed his hand onto the table before shouting.


Y/n: Yah. You're the one that she cheated on me with. You can have her. I don't know if she will be able to feel you I'm pretty good in bed. 

Soobin: Are you insulting my masculinity! 

Y/n: *Sigh* Are you an idiot? 

Soobin: You think you can insult an upperclassmen and get away with it! 

Y/n: What do you even want?

Soobin: Apologise to Yuna! 

Y/n: No.

Soobin: DO IT! 

Y/n: Why should I? She cheated on me with you. 

Student 1: He's talking back to the king of the school. 

Student 2: Its like he's trying to die. 

Student 3: Am I the one that thinks Y/n would destroy him? 

Student 4: The dark prince vs the visual king. 

Student 5: Could this be like one of them fanfics? Soobin and Y/n as the lovers? 

Soobin: You have no proof of that! 

Y/n: My dear friend I do. 

Soobin: Prov-

Haewon: I can prove it. Once I show the proof do you promise to stay away from MY Y/- my friend. 

Soobin: Go for it little girl. 

Haewon then opened the picture on her phone and showed it to him. 

Haewon: See. Now go. 

Soobin: I-I...Whatever...

Once he walked away Haewon was about to as well before I grabbed her wrist. 

Haewon: Y-Y/n? 

Y/n: Thank you Haewon you didn't need to out yourself like that. 

Haewon: I wanted to its only fair on you.

Y/n: I feel like I should thank you. Are you free this weekend? 

Haewon: Yeah. Do you need my number? 

Y/n: Ah yeah I think so. 

Once I had gotten her number she returned to her table as I looked back over to Gaeul who was looking at me with a pout. 

Gaeul: What about me? 

Y/n: What? 

Gaeul: I got hurt for you but you aren't gonna make it up to me. 

Y/n: Don't worry I'll make it up to you as well. There are two days in a weekend. You wanna join me for one of them? 

Gaeul: Happily. 

She gave me a soft smile before hugging me. 

Gaeul: Thank you for looking after me Y/n. 

Y/n: What are you on about you look after me more than I do you. 

Minju POV

Aetri: Wow...

Eunbi: Who knew our Y/n was so sexy...

Aetri: Eh? Hes not sexy. 

Minju: Yes he is. 

Aetri: What about me then? 

Yuri: You are just an idiot. 

Aetri: Why am I always getting insulted? 

Chaeyeon: You talk too much. 

Aetri: Well I can't he-

Hyewon: There you go I helped. 

Nako: You know its serious when Hyewon uses food instead of eating it. 

Haewon POV

Finally I get him alone...finally I can make him mine. Soon my love just wait until the school week is over then we can be together. My Y/n soon I will get to wake up with you in my embrace soon you will become crazy over me soon Y/n soon.

In her heart (Yandere Haewon x Male Reader x Gaeul)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon