Chapter 8 - Resolution?

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I just shook my head as she looked at me. 

Haewon: I taught you to be obedient you little shit.

Y/n: No! I wont let you hurt Gaeul! 

Haewon: Why not? I'm your girlfriend. Your wife! 

Y/n: No I'm not. You say that you are...

Haewon: Y/n behave. 

Y/n: No. Go away Haewon. 

Gaeul had now climbed off the floor and put a hand on my shoulder making me look back. 

Y/n: Are you ok?

Gaeul: Yeah. Thank you Y/n. 


She then charged at me as I caught her and yet again pushed her away. 


She frantically looked around the room before running off. I quickly went and slammed my door shut and pushed my dressed infront of it. Once I had finished doing that I heard a slam and a scream. 


I went over to Gaeul who held me tightly. 

Gaeul: Out the window Y/n we can get out through the window. 


Gaeul opened the window and climbed out taking the slight drop as she quickly stood up and moved away so that I could jump out as well. I followed her down and once I hit the ground let out a groan as Gaeul helped me up. 

Gaeul: Quickly come on to my house. 

As we began to run away we looked back as we heard a loud bang. I looked up to my window where I spotted Haewon.


We kept running not looking back again until we reached Gaeuls house once we were inside we closed and locked the door behind us and once we turned around we saw both of her parents looking both surprised and confused.

Gaeuls Mum: Y/n? Gaeul found you? 

Y/n: *Pants* Yeah...

Gaeuls Dad: Why were you running? 

Gaeul: We didn't know if she was following us. 

Gaeuls Dad: Who? 

Y/n: The person who kidnapped me. 

After I said that both of her parents moved to sit us both down on her sofa. 

Gaeuls Dad: I'm calling the police tell your mother everything Gaeul. Y/n please tell her everything that happened to you as well. 

I struggled to but managed to say everything that happened to me over the last three weeks that Gaeul held me captive. Once the police showed up I was in tears after picking up on a detail that I had missed that Gaeul said. Once she had said it I kept replaying that memory in my head.

"You are so lucky that I left my knife in his mother." 

I couldn't hold myself together everything that she did to me over those three weeks all the starving, torture sessions, forced sex this was the worst. Gaeul had moved to hug me tightly as I cried. 

Officer 1: We came as soon as we heard the call. Y/n please can we have a few words with you? 

I nodded my head and looked at them. 

Y/n: Only if its right here. 

Officer 1: That's completely fine. We need to know everything.

Y/n: Its already written down there...Everything other than her name.

Officer 2: What was her name son? 

Y/n: O-Oh Hae-Haewon...

Officer 2: Thank you for telling us. Do you have a place to go? 

Gaeuls Mum: He will stay here. 

Officer 1: Is that ok with you Y/n? 

I nodded my head as Gaeul held my hand tightly. 

Officer 2: We give our condolences. We promise we will do everything to catch Oh Haewon. 

Officer 1: Wait Oh old are you? 

Gaeul: He's eighteen. 

Officer 1: Oh Haewon is a name I wish I never had to hear again...

Gaeul Dad: Why? 

Officer 1: I shouldn't say this but she is a fucked up kid. This isn't the first time she has done something like this...She is an only child in fact she doesn't even have parents and was in a foster home for a while at least. 

Gaeul Mum: What happened? 

Officer 1: She killed her parents. Then her foster parents. But we were never able to say it was her.

Gaeul: Why not? 

Officer 1: She managed to stage everything to look like it was an accident. The court decided she wasn't guilty. In fact I think I have seen your picture before. 

I looked at him as he pointed to me. 

Officer 1: Two years ago when she killed her foster parents we investigated the house while she was in holding and found nothing. But she had pictures covering almost all of her walls of a kid who looked just like a younger version of you. 

Officer 2: Why did you never tell me about this sir? 

Officer 1: Why would I? I thought the maniac had disappeared. She need to be caught. I'll file the report personally. We will put you all under protection. 

Once the police left I fully broke down as I fell against Gaeul. When she felt my weight against her I was wrapped in her embrace as I broke down. 


It had been two years since the Haewon incident and I had managed to return to school after she was expelled. She hadn't been caught but was assumed to have left the city. But I shouldn't be thinking about that right now I'm graduating...

Aetri: Y/n! We graduated! 

He hugged me tightly until someone cleared their throat.

Aetri: Sorry I will leave you to be the one hugging your boyfriend. 

Once he let go of me my attention was stolen as I turned to face my girlfriend who excitedly jumped up and wrapped her legs around me as I caught her. 

Gaeul: We did it my love. 

Y/n: We did. 

She closed the distance between us as she pecked my lips. 

Y/n: Should we go home baby? 

She nodded before pecking my lips again. 

Gaeul: Lets go find my parents. 

Once we met found her parents we went home before eating a large meal to celebrate. Soon the night came to an end as we headed up to our room. 

Gaeul: My love.

Y/n: Yeah? 

Gaeul: I got my parents permission they are staying in a hotel tonight we have the house and the room to ourselves. 

I blushed red thinking about what she could be implying. 

Gaeul: That's right. Tonight we are going to have our first time together. Well its not your first time but I have been waiting for you to knock me up. 

She sat on my lap as I sat on the bed. 

Gaeul: I love you Y/n. 

Y/n: I love you too Gaeul. 

We kissed passionately as her hands begun to unbutton my shirt and mine did the same with her own.

In her heart (Yandere Haewon x Male Reader x Gaeul)Where stories live. Discover now