CHAPTER -4 - mix signals

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"" your hot and your cold.

Its like a push and pull feeling that makes you very frustrating..

"" be kind to me, I'm trying huehuehue..

Please enjoy muapss💛



-I can't take the hurt that I'm feeling right now, I'm running away from the person I love which I found with another person's arms. I'm all confident when I went here, that she might just stresses and needed time,, and I will tell her that I'm willing to wait and understand her just to keep out relationship,, but then I was slapped by the reality.

JENNIE:''lisa wait its not what you think he's- (cut off)

LISA:--its fine jennie (f*ck it hurts) I- uh actually just came here to see if you were just ditching me or maybe looking for more valid reason ... (I need more just an explanation)... (inhales and exhales heavily) or maybe I was hoping,,, that~~ you didn't mean anything you said.. I guess i was wrong again (smiles)

''my father was right ''I always make wrong decisions,,

--lisa paused and waited if jennie will respond but all she was seeing is jennie's head bowed in front of her..

LISA'S mind: please~~ say something.. tell me the words i wanna hear...tell me he's just nothing,, and that you still want me. please~~~

I will forget everything..

JENNIE: I-I'm so-sorry..

-those words feels like a stab... maybe a thousand stab,.. how can you get so much hurt but feels numb at same time..

LISA: don't be ~~ uhhmm.. (blinking rapidly) oh yeah. here congratulations.. well~~ I think we can't do it as planned (awkward laugh) but since you already have someone you can go with,... here its my gift for you.., I wont be hypocrite enough to say that ,,, ""be happy with him"..coz I'm broken... at least not now.. but please enjoy my gift,, its for you,,

--turning her hills,, few steps she took then stops and bend her head to look back--

LISA: ""have a good life miss kim'''

--not waiting for the other girl to respond-lisa continue to walk and slowly vanished



-few minutes ago when rose finally get out of my office,, another knock on my office,

-I'm actually quite confused because it's lisa who is frowning and she looks upset.

JENNIE: why? what's the problem?

LISA: you have a visitor. (stern voice)

JENNIE: **what's the matter with her** who-(cut off)

TAEH: yohoo!! (smile)

-taeh peck his head all smiles. I was startled at first then I looked back to lisa which I saw how she roll her eye's on me.

LISA: I'll be leaving now ''miss kim" (bow)

-I think I already know the sudden coldness she show, looking at her back while walking away form my office.. teah poke me.

TAEH: hey. cous, that's her right? are you back together??

JENNIE: (sigh) no~~ just come in first. (took another glance at lisa before closing the door)

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