11 - "Queen bee""

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Annyeong!!! Annyeong!!!😅

Just got bz .. I miss writing so here it goes..😘


Lisa POV''

-I was pulled from my slumber with a feather like touch from my collar bone and my neck, tracing it up to my jaw.
she giggles when I creep out a smile and greet her.

''Goodmorning beautiful~~

JENNIE: (soft laugh) your eyes are not even open yet.

Lisa: nah~ I don't have to. I'm well aware of the beauty that's Infront of me.

-I open my eyes seeing her leaned over made our faces an inch apart,

JENNIE: why so cheesy this morning manoban~ hmmmm.

-she's gliding the tip of her fingers to my bottom lips, while I kept
my eyes roam all over her face..
- I miss being this close to her,, I miss her warmth her touch her laugh,
everything about her,
-for the past seven years without her I keep myself occupied, going on dates,
clubbing and meeting random people~ I have to, because every time I'm alone she's all I think of, I thought I'm going crazy~ like even
how far she is, she has this control of me that I know I won't ever escape, well I never really wanted to.
-and now I have her back on my grip I plan to build my world around her.

-my day dreaming was stopped when she pokes my nose.

JENNIE: please come back to me~~

-she spoke
I shook my thoughts and smile at her.

JENNIE: you just left me~ where did you go?

LISA: paradise~ where there was just you and me~

-she giggles and pokes my nose again.

JENNIE: I think you had too much sweet last night~

LISA: spare me love. I haven't been like this for the past seven years
and~~ yes, I had too much sweet last night, that I actually craving for it now~

-Bitting my lips, I pushed myself up leaning at my elbow to get more closer to her

JENNIE: uh-huh.. nope you had enough, and Its Monday we have school remember~

she said placing her hands to my chest,
-I just smile and flipped us making myself on top of her holding her waist

LISA: it will never be enough~ you were out of my reach for a long time
so~~ you have to pay back (smirked)

JENNIE: you never change , can't still take your hand off me hmm..

LISA: your fault for being so hot~ ''miss Kim''


-Uhg!! she releases a loud moan as I attacked her pulse lathering my
mouth all over her neck.

JENNIE: la-love don't leave a mark.. people will get too

-I didn't respond and just continue with my business,
my room filled with her gasp and moans,, screaming my name until
her body trembles reaching her peek

-I kissed her temple while she catches her breath.

JENNIE: **Haaah** **hah* gulp '' give me a minute .. you got me all exhausted~~

LISA: we can skip school if you're tired~~

-she just slaps my arm while her eyes are still closed.. I snuggle myself
closer to her and burry my face to her neck inhaling her scent



-we manage to reach the school grounds after that early exercise,
she's same old Lisa that can't get enough of me,, and I don't want her
to change, I don't mind giving her, her desires as long as it's just with
me, she can have me whenever she wants.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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