Chapter 8

122 14 3

Annyeong Annyeong!!!!

''claim me''



-I am filled with anger and jealousy at this very moment,, people might have so confused for my actions but, I don't know what got in to me,, all I have in mind is to get her out of there and keep away from those hyenas, this after party is getting out of hand.. Lisa is rolling her body around of those lustful eyes,, as I got irritated I drag her out of the venue,,

Not minding her yelling at me I found my way to the parking lot,. still had my grip to her wrist when I stop Infront of the car, I was breathing heavily trying to calm myself, Lisa took the chance and pull her hand,. I turn my hills to face her,

JENNIE: what were you thinking showing off like that!!!

LISA: what's your problem!? I was just enjoying myself, what's wrong with that!!?

JENNIE: enjoying yourself?? (scoff) I bet they are enjoying too, while drooling!!

LISA: at least they appreciate a good dance,

JENNIE: do you honestly believe that they care about how great you dance?? They're just waiting to get you NAKED!!

-Lisa made one step back, straighten her posture and cross her arms infront of her chest.

LISA: (sigh) where is this going 'miss Kim'' ?

JENNIE: I'm not trying to imply anything-

LISA: then stop acting like a jealous girlfriend!!

-you asked for this remember?? you wanted us to be civil ,then act like one,

JENNIE: I have the right to get jealous!! because I love you!!, and I only needed time to clear my mind, can you please at least give me chance to prove myself!!

LISA: you're asking for something that you didn't even gave to me in the first place..

JENNIE: I did that for us.

LISA: Did you asked me if that's what I want?

-I went speechless in her response,, she's right.. I was coward enough to even asked for her opinion and made a decision on my own,, am I going to watch her again disappear on my sight? but my legs won't move-



Lisa is making her way to her car when she realized she don't have her keys with her and still wearing the blazer that Jennie cover her earlier..

she went back at the venue and almost near the backstage when she heard noises not so far at the parking lot..

''let go a**hole!!

-a female voice screaming that was too familiar register to her ears,

-following the sound of the voices she saw a guy dragging a woman to his car, as the faces became clearer, she clenched her jaw and run towards them,


-both figures turn to look at her,, Lisa throws the blazer that she's wearing to the guy's face and kicks his stomach.. he stumbled to the ground- Lisa hover her head to her left seeing Jennie kneeling with her hands on her face sobbing, she balls her fist and glared to at the man,


she went towards the guy and before he could remove the cloth from his face lisa jumped to him and throw punches that she didn't even imagine where her strength came from,,

Loving miss KIMWhere stories live. Discover now