Episode Two: Children of the Dark

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*Trigger warning*Chapter Two: Parenthood

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*Trigger warning*
Chapter Two: Parenthood

*Trigger warning*Chapter Two: Parenthood

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[Family Portrait ~Pink]

There are worse things in the world that can happen people die everyday fact. Life goes on it's simple. People die, you mourn their loss and then move on, sometimes we forget they do and sometimes we have memorials for their death to keep their spirits alive, to make sure they are remembered for years to come. Jessica Young died a little over four years ago and Anya felt the need to have a memorial for her. Because it felt like the right thing to do. The issue with her having a memorial is that she would be the only person present. Standing over a casket in the ground that didn't have a body in it. She hated doing it to be quite fair.

Truthfully she didn't believe Jessica was dead, sure they told her and sure she never heard from her, but there was nobody, and she had this connection with her sister, this longing feeling that she was still out there doing the best she could. Because well that's who Jessica was, she was the kind of person who didn't quit. Maybe that is what got her killed, she was heading straight for danger and nothing was going to change her mind. Nothing was going to stop her all she ever wanted her entire life was to help people and Anya felt like she was still doing it, she was still out there fighting for those who couldnt.

For the entirety of her childhood, Jessica was always the cool older sister, the responsible one, the one who protected Anya and shielded her from everything and anything. She drew a line in the sand when it came to Anya, and Anya always felt the need to push the limits of the line. Make things challenging, because that's what younger siblings are for to be a gigantic pain in the ass. Anya didn't regret anything she did, even after her mother died, and there were some fucked up things she did after Marta died. The only reason she didn't regret those things was that they made her the woman she is today, the sunshiney, dewy-eyed, beauty that had grown to be.

Being a guardian to a kid who doesn't actually know your guardian is quite possibly the most annoying and frustrating ordeal that Anya had ever discovered, in all of her twenty-six years of life, this was probably the most difficult. The only reason why it was so difficult was that her dad made it difficult. Wyatt was a sweet boy, he was fourteen and discovering life and the wonders it had to offer losing your mom at the age of ten well that can put a damper on your entire life. It makes you view life differently. Starting high school for the first time without your mom by your side was scary but when you have a really cool aunt anything is possible. Even getting dropped off your first day of high school by your really pretty and awesomely stellar aunt, well now you might just have the best street cred and it's only the first day.

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