Episode Three: About Face

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*Trigger warning*Chapter Three: Who Is Keeping score

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*Trigger warning*
Chapter Three: Who Is Keeping score

*Trigger warning*Chapter Three: Who Is Keeping score

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[Mercy  ~Angelina Jordan]

Aaron Hotchner, unit chief of Quantico's Behavioral Analysis Unit,  certified dilf, is the direct superior of all special agents. Former profiler in the field office in Seattle, before transferring to Quantico. Before that, he was a prosecutor. Earning his degree of Juris Doctor at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. in 1992. In other words, e was a badass, he seemed stone cold and yet he wasn't, he smiled and laughed and joked just like anyone else only outside of work.

He truly enjoyed his job, but for the most part, there were some things that he utterly couldnt wrap his mind around. While he did like helping people and getting to the bad guys a lot sooner. He didn't enjoy killing people or seeing people be killed or slaughtered. He had come to understand a lot of things about behaviors and how they worked and yet the thing he couldnt piece together was Anya fucking Holmes. She was like this constant throbbing pain in his side, that wouldn't go away no matter how many times she took pain meds and massaged at it. They argued so badly on the last case that he almost wanted to strangle her. She was pushing at his buttons constantly egging him on and it made his heart pound and his skin get all hot.

He thought he was over his hatred for the young woman, but then she did her usual Anya antics and it made his hatred return. They had gone almost an entire month without bickering and there was a running bet going between when they would start back up, Derek lost by three days and now Emily was eighty bucks richer. No one had talked about the case before, where Anya had spilled a bit of her past. They figured when she was ready she would spill more, for now, they let it go, well some of them did Derek, just watched her analyzing her. He had grown overprotective of the woman. He was going to protect her at all costs even if it meant from their boss.

Hotch had grown to accept Emily and he was leaning in that direction with Anya but Anya made it impossible for their personalities to mesh well. She was happy always dancing and singing, trying to cheer people up, she and Reid were the babies of the group. They acted like siblings, but not like regular siblings, like mildly annoying siblings who ninety percent of the time liked each other but there was that ten percent where they just really got under each other's skin sometimes. Nonetheless, Anya pissed off Hotch to no end. She was always so sunshine and rainbow even during cases and she made people laugh and didn't care about authority and he hated it, there were rules and structure which was Hotch and then there was throwing the rules out and following your instincts and gut and smiling and giggling and puppies bullshit. Which was Anya.

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