📘 Enlightenment

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It never occurred to me that completeness is just a construct. A construct developed by the deep human desire to explain their world. The gods created, the science explored, the stories made about life and the universe due to the intuitively rational thought of entireness.

Even the possibility of that not being the case, the thought crossing one's mind of incompleteness is unheard of. You might say weird, scary, impossible. You might say it is...


It was on that night, I realized the utter pitted state of logic itself, that an ordinary looking stranger roamed the streets, though... back then, seemingly an alien-being. Alien to the people of this world. Once he first placed his fingers upon the fog-covered tar, humanity got enlightened by deep dark holes, the holes in their way of thinking, the holes in their beliefs, the holes in their lives. Soon after most realized their mistakes and bowed to the only complete thought. The thought of incompleteness.

The stranger showed us the pits of the world and allowed us to jump into them. I wanted to embrace them, live with them, live in them. Even though they appeared to lead nowhere the thought of jumping was not petrifying, rather it was the gateway to heaven we could not see. Because only the stranger can see all the way. Since so many people needed to jump the stranger bestowed us with a hole in our minds as a temporary gift until we could make our way to the heaven.

As more and more people departed, the world began to stagnate, leaving behind a stale and decaying environment. The desolate streets were seldom visited by anything other than the occasional lost soul.

The closed-minded individuals who refused to depart, clung to their notion of completeness until they, too, succumbed to the stagnation and became one with the lifeless tar suffocating the earth.

On my final day, I roamed through the eerily quiet streets, the dense fog obscuring my vision. The only sounds were the faint echoes of my footsteps and the occasional creaking of decaying buildings. The few remaining inhabitants stuck to the illusion of entireness had become petrified, frozen in time.

I reached one hole, one of the many.

Let this be my last message to earth, because now I will depart.

I look down the hole. I see nothing but the blackness. A point of no return. Why does heaven look so empty? I just cannot see the end yet. The stranger, leads me forward. Only one step. And I fall down into the deep hole.

As I hurtle into the darkness, the wind rushes past me. The world around me grows progressively blacker, until it was pitch-black and I couldn't see my own hand in front of my face. The sound of my own ragged breaths and the pounding of my heart are the only things I can hear.

The darkness is suffocating, and I can feel it pressing in on me from all sides. Despite the terror that grippes me, I couldn't help but be awed by the sheer power of the experience. It was as if the entire universe had condensed into this one moment, this one sensation.

Is it happening?

This strange feeling begins to creep up my legs, as if a thousand tiny needles are piercing my skin. As I try to shake it off, the discomfort intensifies into a searing pain that jolts me to my core. I gasp for breath, feeling like my legs are being pulled apart from opposite ends, as if by some invisible force.

The pain spreads like wildfire, shooting up through my body, twisting my spine and contorting my limbs in unnatural ways. I scream out in agony, but the sound seems to get stuck in my throat as if I'm drowning in my own fear. My muscles strain and twitch, as if trying to escape the terror that's consuming me from within.

My feet feel like they're being torn from my body, as if some unseen monster is trying to drag me down into the abyss. My toes curl in pain, my toenails splintering and breaking off one by one. The sensation of my bones cracking and fracturing echoes in my mind, as if I'm being ripped apart.

Every fiber of my being is stretched to the limit, until I feel like I'm about to rip in two. The pain is too much to bear.


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