📘 Show me your body

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Author Note: This chapter is for 18+ only. (seriously!)


"Let's play a game" Alex suggests

Lily claps her hands together joyfully, sitting down beside him and crossing her legs provocatively "Oh, I love playing games with new friends! It's such a great way to get to know each other better. And have some fun together"

The woman goes on to say: "I have some suggestions of games you could choose from. How about we start with 'Truth or Dare' or maybe 'Never have I ever'? Or if you prefer something a bit more... intimate," she glances around to make sure nobody else is here before continuing, "we could play 'Show me your body'."

"What is 'Show me your body'?"

Lily grins seductively at Alex, clearly excited to explain and demonstrate the rules "It is a game where one person asks another player to show them different parts of their body. And we are not talking about a quick peek," she bites her lower lip teasingly "I mean really admire each part fully. So, if you would ask me to participate, I would have to follow your instructions completely. Now matter how personal or naughty it may be."

"Ok. Show me your liver."

In surprise at Alex's already bold request Lily gasps, but nods determinedly, biting her lip nervously. She takes a deep breath and starts unbuttoning her top slowly, revealing her perky breasts beneath. "My liver is right here" she whispers softly, pointing towards her stomach. Lily takes a moment to adjust her position, arching her back slightly so that her breasts are more prominent and her ass more visible.

"I can't see it because of all that skin"

Lily giggles softly "I see what you are getting at. Just tell me where you want me to start removing the skin and how much you want me to take off. It will be like a little performance just for you."

She begins carefully scraping away layers of skin from her stomach, revealing the pinkish-white flesh underneath. Blood trickled down at her arms, as she tore at the flesh excited to peel it away like an onion. Lily ripped the last remnants of skin away, revealing the raw pulsating muscle beneath. "Ta-da"

"I would like to admire your liver from all angles"

"Of course, Honey, whatever you desire." Lily's hand plunged into the cavity of her chest, fingers curling around the slick surface of her liver.

As she pulled it free from its confines, she stood still, letting Alex take in the sight of her perfectly shaped organ glistering in the sunlight, then moves into different poses, holding parts of her body in emphasis while maintaining eye contact with Alex, to enhance the sensuality.

Lily was left kneeling amidst a pool of blood and viscera, before she finally collapsed.

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