📝 World's Wisdoms 4

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Behold the mystical feline god,
A being of otherworldly laud,
With eyes that shimmer like cosmic gems,
And fur that glows with transcendent hems.

Its movements are a cosmic ballet,
A dance of divinity, night and day,
With paws that tread on celestial ground,
It moves with a presence that knows no bound.

A being of absolute grandeur,
Its majesty beyond all measure,
With ears that hear the gods' whispers clear,
And whiskers that sense the cosmic sphere.

Its purring voice a hymn of creation,
A song that heralds the universe's elation,
A tune that echoes throughout the cosmos,
A melody that ignites the stars' shows.

A creature of sacred transcendence,
A symbol of divine omnipotence,
Its beauty and grace beyond all comparison,
A sight that inspires deepest adoration.

And I could go on and on but in the end it is just a cat...

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