"𝐀 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐦 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭"

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Ryan was done with this doctor who was just like the rest of them.

"You can have the bed I will take the floor..." Ryan then crawls to the far corner of the room before laying down. Something about it made it look like he was used to sleeping on the floor. "Night doctor." Ryan sighs before closing his eyes.

As Samuel watched Ryan lay on the floor, he felt bad. Even if everything he said was true, it was true he put less effort into helping Ryan than helping others. He knew that was for one reason.. he was scared. He had dealt with manipulators but only rarely and nothing close to this. He needed time to think. He laid on the bed and closed his eyes for a good ten minutes, thinking about ways to be better than the confrontation that had just happened. He sighed and got up, walked over to male laying on the floor and checking if he was awake. "Ryan..?" He crouched down before calling the name again.

Half asleep Ryan heard the sheets move and gentle footsteps coming over. When he heard Samuel's voice he sighed and answered coldly. "Don't worry I won't hurt you. They will come for you in the morning. You don't have to see me again after that. And don't worry people will still think you are the perfect doctor who can do no wrong." Not opening his eyes and not showing that he was cold he moves away from Samuel. "Be careful or the puppeteer will make you his next puppet and we can't have that.-" Ryan was caught off guard when he started to cough. "Fucking great! Get back I might have a cold."

"go on the bed, you should have it" he ignored everything Ruan said and as he looked at him he stood back up and pulled him up "go sleep on the bed" Samuel walked back to the bed and pointed to it

"look I..I'm sorry. You're right, I didn't make efforts to help you or try to understand you. If.. if im fully honest.." he looked to the floor and crossed his arms "im scared. The thought of being in debt to someone, the thought of them controlling me.. it's terrifying." He looked up at Ryan slowly "but I do want to help you. And not just for a reputation or something. I'd like you to get better.

"Don't worry about it. I have gotten used to it, it's no big deal." Hearing that Samuel was scared of him didn't show on his face but his eyes shined with the "I knew it look." Sighing Ryan looks at him. "That is why I didn't make any agreements with you I just wanted to see what your thought process was on helping me, but you didn't even give me a chance. Not that I blame you really it is no big surprise. I am a monster."

"I know. And that's my bad. I should've gave you a chance and if you aren't too mad at me then I really want to give you on now. You are not a monster. You have a different way of's thinking. And that Fine! What's not okay is how you use it. That's why we need to work on you.. And I also apologize for my behavior earlier. It wasn't proper and you didn't deserve that." He sat down next to the bed and put his jacket under himself so he didn't sit directly on the floor. The bed was fully empty for you appart for a small spot where he had laid his head.

Hearing someone ask for forgiveness for the first time Ryan's eyes widen slightly before growling and turning away, "Oh shut up I never asked you for some stupid apology!" His cheeks flushed Ryan felt that comfort again. Ryan's mind was in a complete scramble, he never saw someone look at him like Samuel did. Listening to how he didn't think he was a monster made Ryan loosen up. "Like you said I am not going to be something fixed over night... But if you are willing to stick with me then I can stay in this cage for a while.~" Ryan winks teasingly. Still flustered about the apology.

Samuel gave Ryan a soft smile until he yelled at him "oh- um.. alright then..-" As he sat on the floor, he closed his eyes before rolling them as he teased him more.

Rubbing the back of his neck Ryan mumbles. "Are you trying to make me feel guilty with you on the floor?" With one swift motion he picked Samuel up, putting him on his lap. "Before you freak out listen, the bed is big enough but it will be tight. But you have that pen in your coat pocket you can use for for self defense if you think I am going to go all manipulative monster mode on you."

"𝙈𝙮 𝙍𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙘 𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧"Where stories live. Discover now