"𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲, 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲.."

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Samuel blushed at the comment of not knowing anything YET but he blushed even more as your shirt came up, the chain clinking and swinging over Ryan's head. He looked away and mumbled "it looks fine-" it looked amazing.
He brought you to the garden and smiled as he saw your reaction to the beautiful view.

He closed the door once Ryan got out and slowly headed to the garden, a few patients being there but it wasn't too crowded. Samuel pulled softly on the chain of the cuffs so Ryan would follow him behind a tree. He sat down behind it and the view in front was extremely pretty, a field of colorful flowers shone with a sunset in the back. He smiled and leaned onto the tree "sooo why do you think? Is it pretty? I think it's lovely"

Once Samuel closes the door Ryan let's Samuel lead him to the garden. "I- I never seen a view like this before..." even though he was cuffed Ryan looked in awe at the sight before him. Smiling as he leans against the tree beside Samuel.

Samuel smiled as he saw Ryan's reaction to the beautiful view. Samuel was a little embarrassed. He didn't tell Ryan this but he was the first person Samuel ever brought here. He smiled more and turned to Ryan "so, talk to me! Tell me a bit more about your view on people and the world in general"

"Oh... What I see most in people? Well the main factors that I see in people are their greed and selfishness. I never met a person who didn't put others first and when they did something for others it is for the soul purpose of their image... But I guess that is human nature." Ryan shrugged , and looked out deep in thought. Looking like he was hiding something from Samuel.

"Did you ever think you just haven't met to right people? Think about it. In movies the hero always wants to save everyone, regardless if they get hurt or even risk death. Of course, you could say it just a movie and no one in the real world is like this. But people are. Maybe if you met the right person, a person that would care for you and take proper care of you, your idea would change."

"Movies and reality are different there are no heroes in this world, we have to look out for ourselves. But... you are slowly changing my perspective on the fact that I can trust SOME people..." Ryan blushed. "I do know I trust and care for you Samuel. And right now, that's all I care about."

Samuel smiled more before blushing slightly "I'm glad I'm helping then. You're understanding and changing quite fast. That means you're putting in some effort, and I appreciate that"

Ryan looked over and noticed someone staring at them. It made Ryan on edge and his skin crawl when he noticed that the guy was another manipulator. "Samuel, who is that?" Ryan was on edge, not breaking eye contact with the man who stared at him him with gleaming eyes and a seductive smile. The man licked his lips as he walked closer. "Samuel get behind me now... I don't think you are safe..." The man didn't look at Samuel but only Ryan "He is another manipulator. I can't make him walk away... he can block it..." Ryan moving between Samuel and the other man who bent down before Ryan. "I finally found you, my puppet master.~" they said in a slow and deep voice that made Ryan stiffen.

Samuel smiled a lot and blushed. He was happy that Ryan trusted him but he quickly  looked a little serious as you stared at another patient. Samuel took a quick look "umm they're patient 009, they came here not long after you, I don't know much about them since they aren't my patient.." he giggled a little, thinking Ryan was just being protective and didn't want others to talk to him but once he added they were another manipulator, Samuel gulped slightly and stood behind Ryan. Samuel noticed how Ryan stiffened up so he stood next to Ryan but still a little behind "I'm sorry but patient 007 isn't allowed to interact with other patients in the moment. Patients do have a free time at lunch so you will be able to talk to him there. Please leave, our session isn't over, you're interrupting us."

"𝙈𝙮 𝙍𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙘 𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧"Where stories live. Discover now