Final A/N i swear-

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This book has a big sentimental value for me. The co-author and I dated and this break up really hurts. I think the book should take a small break, just the time I manage to not cry when I try and work on it-

HOPEFULLY, It will start back on the first week of March and I'll post on the first weekend (4th or 5th).
Thank you for being patient with me, I hope you all understand.

I will be continuing the book. Only, without a partner, I don't have as many ideas to what to do. If anyone has suggestions, I'd love to hear them. But the rest will be a surprise ;)

I will also be doing side stories.
AND, luckily, I will be doing smut now! I'll try and make sure the story doesn't focus on it, but we all know Ryan would love if it did haha- anyways- most of the smut will be in the side stories but not only! The main story with have some smut as well. I will be trying to get a new co-author but it will be hard to replace the original.

Again, thank you all for being patient and understanding.
See you on the 4th of March!

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