Chapter Fifteen

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I immediately entered the dorm and was glad to see Enid was not there. "At least I can wish I didn't exist in peace" I thought in my head at that moment.

Thing was on my bed and could tell that something happened by my facial expression. I then sat on the floor by the window and looked up at the ceiling.

Wednesday felt that she deserved this terrible news about being the "chaos" in her own story. "I mean my life was already terrible. So, this could have been expected already" I said to myself still looking up.

Thing then jumped down from my bed and sat next to me. "My life is complete shit and there's nothing I can do to fix that" I said in a frustrated voice and then looked at Thing.

"You're the strongest person I know Wednesday. And, I believe you can solve this matter not just by yourself but also people that can help you out" Thing signed to me. "I understand you're just trying to be nice and it still comforts me somehow" I said to him.

Wednesday was grateful to be close friends with Thing. Thing cares for her as if he was actually Wednesday's uncle.

Although, Thing is not related to Wednesday he still feels like family to her. And, family makes sure to stick by each other's side no matter what happens.

"I care for you very much Wednesday and I'll always be there for you when you need it the most" Thing signed to me. "Wow that was really sweet of you Thing and I feel like crying now" I said not being sure I meant the last part.

Thing then lad himself against Wednesday's lap to comfort her. Wednesday usually despises physical touch but she doesn't mind it done by close people.

The two then sat next to each other in a comfortable silence. Wednesday wanted to talk to Thing about the situation but needed a breather before doing so.

Thing didn't mind waiting for Wednesday to talk though and couldn't care how long it'll take. She could make him wait minutes, hours, days, and he'll still won't be upset by her actions.

2 1/2 hours later

The sun then set and the alarm clock said 5:00pm. The two have been sitting on the floor for about a while but neither of them seemed upset about that.

Wednesday still didn't want to express her thoughts about the situation with Thing. She likes to bottle her emotions inside and doesn't let it all out.

"God why is this so hard to do?" I thought in my head at that moment. I rarely felt this way about anything in particular but this time was different.

Thing then looked at me probably hoping I would break and just get it over with. I wish it were that easy but not for someone like me.

Thing was always patient with Wednesday and knew that she had trouble showing her emotional side to others. Wednesday likes people to think she is a solid person but actually has a soft heart.

"I'll never judge you for anything Wednesday. And you don't have to act tough all the time" Thing signed to me. He then raised himself up to get a better view of me.

"Yeah I know. I'm not stupid enough to forget that" I said while keeping eye contact on Thing. He always said that saying when I'm going through a bad time.

Wednesday Adams x Enid 🌈 Where stories live. Discover now