
490 23 5

27th December 2014

Dear Diary,

I'm sorry I didn't write yesterday; I was at Harry's. We spent the day together, just talking and playing video games, and cuddling occasionally. We always cuddle when we're at his place, because I know his parents don't mind, if they see us. They aren't homophobic like my father, even if Harry and I aren't in a relationship. They think we're cute and they even told me once that we would make a perfect couple. I have to admit, I was blushing like a mad man when they said this to me, and I think that they realized I liked-liked Harry that day. They didn't say anything though, they just smiled at me.

I couldn't stop staring at Harry yesterday, and I think he noticed. But he didn't seem to think it was weird, he just smiled and kissed my forehead. I love him. I'm so in love with this boy. I may be 16 but I love him more than anything and I want kiss his pink lips. We already kissed when we were kids. But it was just once, we didn't know what we were doing and Mark beat me up. I didn't see Harry for a week after that, because Mark - it hurts too much saying father - was afraid his son would turn into a faggot. But after a fight with mum, he changed his mind, and Harry and I never kissed again. To be honest, I think he forgot that day, but I don't blame him. He doesn't love me like I love him, it's normal if he forgets things like that.

I'm supposed to go to the restaurant with my parents tonight. Me and mum wanted to go to the one with astronomy-related decorations and food shaped like stars, suns, moons, but my dad refused. He acts like we live years and years in the past, where the man is the master of the family or some bullshit like that. It really pisses me off! He never listens to my mum, to me, or anyone. He acts like he's better than anyone and like he owns the world. Guess what, father, you don't.

I have to go and get ready now. He wants us to dress fancy, I don't want to, my tie is always choking me, but he doesn't care. He cares more about his reputation than my health, and happiness. He's the most selfish man I've ever met.

Keep my secrets safe.

Louis. x

[a/n; i'm sorry if there is any mistakes, english isn't my first language. please comment if you find one.]

louis' diary // larry stylinson auDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora