
277 13 5

17th April 2015

Dear Diary,

I haven't written in ages! Well, a month and a half. But I am so happy with Harry and we're always together and I don't really want him to find you and read you. I don't want him to know everything... Because, like, I want to tell him everything all the time but I have to keep some secrets, you know? Like stuff about my father, for example. He knows we don't get along but he doesn't know everything. I don't want him to be worried about it.

I spend a lot of alone time with mum, we talk about Harry a lot. About my other friends too, and about our family, but mostly Harry. We have been dating for only two months and a half but I have loved him for such a long time and I can't stay silent. I need to talk about him. We are a secret and there are only a few people who know about us, so I can't talk about him to my friends.

Eleanor has a new boyfriend, I have Harry, so we don't hang out as much as we used to, but we still text a lot, mostly at night when our boyfriends are asleep. We talk about everything and it feels so good to be this close to someone. I love her so much... She's like the sister I never had.

Shit, my father is coming upstairs.

[a/n; :). the epilogue will be much longer. x]

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