
286 17 0

25th January 2015

Dear Diary,

So... Harry texted me. A lot. Of course I replied every time, and we talked a lot through texts. He came out to me but I didn't. I want to come out to him face to face. I admit, I fangirled – fanboyed? – a lot when he told me he was gay, but then I immediately supported him and told him I still loved him. We didn't see each other outside of school and he told me the guy he kissed always wanted to hang out and Harry, being the sweetheart he is, accepted, but they aren't dating. Harry told me he didn't want to date anyone, and even though it hurts a bit to know he doesn't want me, I'm not mad at him. I could never.

I also talked a lot to Eleanor. She came over a few times and my father think we're dating. It doesn't really bother us though. Actually, she told her parents we were dating, she told mine, so now Mark thinks I'm straight. My father won't push me to date a girl anymore and he loves Eleanor, he thinks she's an adorable girl. She is, and if I was straight, I'd probably be really dating her.

I told my mum that we weren't truly dating, we were just pretending in front of my father, and even though she was a bit sceptical at first, I told her a few times Eleanor didn't have any feeling for me and knew about it all. She thought I was leading her on, but I'd never do that to her, never. She's my best friend, I love her to much to do that. She's one of my favourite person in the world.

I'm so glad my father didn't hear about Harry's coming out. If he did, he would forbid me to ever go at his place again. Anne talked to me a few times after he came out, she told me she always kinda knew he was gay. She also told me that she was very surprised because we aren't dating... I have to admit that I was a blushing mess after that.

I have to go now. El and I have a 'date'. I hope Harry won't see us and think it's a real one...

Keep my secrets safe.

Louis. x

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