
271 16 3

19th February 2015

Dear Diary,

I'm with Harry right now. He's asleep in my bed, he looks so cute! We were cuddling but I really wanted to write. Nothing big happened but I just wanted to talk about him... I always want to talk about him, but I can't when Mark is around. I talk to my mum a lot when he's out.

Oh! I almost forgot. Something happened with Eleanor and I was mad at her but she's my best friend so I forgave her. We almost got into a fight because she was saying stupid clichés about gay guys, like for example "Lou, you're gay so you must love shopping, we should go together!". I don't mind shopping but I was mad because those clichés are just stupid! Of course some gay guys love shopping and girls night but not all of us do.

But I can't stay mad at her for too long so I didn't talk to her for like two hours and then I texted her like 5 times. I didn't apologize, though. But she did, so we're ok now.

I didn't talk to Harry about it because I know he would've been even more mad than I was. He hates clichés more than I do.

It's kind of funny to talk about Harry getting mad because he's such a sweetheart, and he looks so peaceful when he's asleep... But, when he really is mad, it's not funny anymore. I saw him really mad 3 times and it wasn't pretty. He was almost scary! He yelled and was throwing things all around the room and he was crying. It was awful and I really don't want to make him mad again. If we get into a fight, he will probably throw plates at the walls and scream and cry again. I don't ever want to see my baby cry.

Harry always says I'm his baby, but no. He's mine. Well, I act like a kid sometimes, this is true, but he secretly loves being the little spoon, so I call him baby.

I'm looking at him right now, he really is the cutest boy ever. His face looks so soft and I want to kiss his cheeks, his forehead, his nose, his lips. I want to kiss him everywhere and hold him, so that's what I'm going to do. And I think he's waking up, he's moving a bit. He probably noticed I wasn't in bed with him anymore. I already miss his body's heat. Is that healthy? To be addicted to someone like this? Probably not. But I don't really care. I'm in love with him and I want to be close to him.

Keep my secrets safe.

Louis. x

louis' diary // larry stylinson auWhere stories live. Discover now