Just married 👰‍♂️👰‍♂️‼️

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This chapter isnt a smut yet. Next chapter will be. Take a look at that cute 25 min art i did btw which was mostly took timed on their stupid ass fluffy hair ♡(> ਊ <)♡

The big day has come. Childe gave Zhongli his hand as they walked down the isle. As they arrived there Zhongli tears up. " How are you the one tearing up? " Childe laughs. " This is normal. You arent. " Zhongli flicked his tear and chuckled.

" Do you, Zhongli. Take this maniac as your husband? " Lumine says. " I do. " Zhongli smiles brightly. " And do you, Ajax. Take this crazy money spending man as your husband? " Lumine says to Childe. " I do. " He chuckles. " You may now kiss the groom ! " They kissed eachother happily as Childe did this.

 " You may now kiss the groom ! " They kissed eachother happily as Childe did this

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" Damn im never gonna get used to having cliché ass maniac friends... " Lumine said as she walks away.

Zhongli kissed Childe as Childe let Zhongli down again. " I love you Ajax. That will never change. " Childe blushed. " I love you too to the day I die. " He kissed Zhongli's cheek.

Anyways im making 2 chps of smut right away!! Read.

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