pitter and olivia (2)

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"How was school sweetie?"

"Bleh. It was school for sure" I responded.

"Ooh ask me! Ask me!" My little brother Auggie said nearly jumping out of his seat.

"How was school kid?" My dad said ruffling his blonde locks.

"It was awesome we wrote letters to Santa!"

"It's only November isn't that a little early to be doing that?" I laughed.

Auggie just frowned and shook his head 'no'.

I felt my phone buzz. It's basically a rule we don't use our phones during dinner.

Buzz, Buzz, Buzz

1 minute later..

Buzz, Buzz, Buzz

My dad shook his head in disbelief. "How about you answer that phone before I go crazy." I quickly got up from the table throwing away my paper plate that only had the crust on pizza on it.

8:51 pm
Unknown Number : 'Hey.'

Unknown Number: 'This is Peter btw"

Unknown Number: 'Peter Green'

Unknown Number: 'I seem really desperate here but are you Olivia or did she give me the wrong #'

Me: 'my name isn't Olivia.'
seen by petter g.

Of course, now he stops talking.

As I went back to the kitchen my dad hollered, 'Who was blowing up your phone kid?'

"Just a prick who I was paired up for a project."

"Ah, okay then."

The school day seemed to drag on per usual until lunch period.

Inez and I were ranting to each other as we always do when Adam Dooley showed up.

"Sup, Inez, and Ophelia is it?" his blue eyes locked with mine for a split second.

I just nodded in response.

"I was just thinking sometimes we should all hang out. After all, were gonna be spending four weeks together right Inez" He laughed.

"Just me, you, and Ophelia?" Inez asked doubtfully.

"Doesn't that sound like a fun time, why don't you guys come to my party on Friday" He sent me a wink.

I didn't know how to react I've never flirted with upfront, and Adam is a total tool.

"We'll think about it" Inez responded

"Yeah.." I responded

"Sounds great" Adam walked off almost skipping with joy.

"Well? Do you want to go?"

"Not specifically but it would be good for us to get out on the weekend than stay in watching love island."

That was a fair point. Inez and I absolutely need more socialization than just ourselves, and Adam seems to be our only option, quite sad isn't it?

The bell rang meaning I had to go to the class I'd been dreading to go to for one reason, and that is Peter.

As I walked in I sat down in the back. I like to get to class a little earlier so I can watch people come in, and so I get the first pick for my seat.

I got out my notebook and started to jot down some ideas of places to visit here in Maine for my project.

By the time I had written out my first place people came shuffling in; Inez, Adam, Shelly, Carter, Harold, Cameron, then walked in Peter.

He was wearing a navy blue sweatshirt with some national park logo on it.

His hair looked slightly disheveled as if someone had run their hand through it and his cheeks were slightly pink.


He sat in the middle not acknowledging anyone else and got on his phone.

"Mornin' class, hope you all have discussed ideas of places you want to write about with your partner. If not I heavily suggest it now I'll give you the whole hour to start on your project with your partner."

I look over at Peter but he just kept his eyes trained on his phone.

I watched as everyone else was paired up with there partner.

God could he not get off his phone?

I got up and walked towards him carrying my notebook.

Once I reached his desk I cleared my throat. "Ahem", no response.

I dropped my notebook on his desk making a boom. He looked up and shook his head in annoyance.

"What do you want Olivia?"

"It's Ophelia, and I want you to do what you're
supposed to".

"And what is that?" he said elongating his 'd' in the word and.

"Don't play dumb."

"I'm not playing anything" he smirked.

"We need to figure out the spot we are going to write about".

"Why don't we drive around after school finds a
somewhat quote-on-quote cool place then write about it make it sound more amazing than it is, then boom easy A.

I can't believe he's in AP English with this mindset.

"Well, I don't have a car.."

"You're kidding no car?"

"Not everyone is as privileged as you are Pitter".

"Pitter? And I'm not privileged I just pick up shifts at the bakery."

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