the party (7)

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This is the party chapter from Peters Pov. (Let me know if you like the switching points of view every few chapters or not :) )

As the wind picked up I felt goosebumps go up my arms. I looked over and saw Ophelia shivering.

She was beautiful, more than beautiful. Her champagne-colored hair reached her mid-back.

With her makeup washed off, I could see the little moles on her face. She didn't need makeup.

Without a second thought, I tossed her my hoodie. She tried to decline it but I wouldn't accept it.

"So do you need me to take you to Inez's house right?"

She shook her head no, "She just told me to meet her at Adams's party."

Saying I was disappointed when I found out Ophelia was going to Adam Dooley's party is an understatement.

This is not a jealousy thing —nope, I have no reason to be jealous after all I have Violet.

I don't want to take any girl or any person for that matter to his house.

He has been rumored to have assaulted multiple girls.

The cases have been dropped, but it's because his daddy paid for all charges to be dropped. The whole Dooley family are sick human beings.

"God don't tell me that you're going to that prick's party."

I could tell Ophelia didn't want to hear that. I looked over and she looked pissed.

"Don't tell me what to do."

She got defensive fast.

"I wasn't telling you what to do I was just telling you he isn't a good guy."

"Ironic, coming from you."

That truly hurt, what was she insinuating?

I couldn't believe how fast everything had changed.

During the car ride, there was complete silence. I was lost in my thoughts. Did she think I'm as bad as Adam? Should I say something? I glance over at her she had her arms crossed and she was looking out the window. It'd be best to keep my mouth shut.

Once we pulled up to Adam's insanely large house I felt sick to my stomach. I've always had a distaste for him.

Ophelia got out of the car and then dryly said, "Thanks for the ride."

I sped off not saying anything. I felt angry that nothing I could have said would stop her.

Buzz, Buzz, Buzz

I looked down at my phone and then pulled over once I saw it was Violet calling.

"Where the hell have you been?"

"Sorry for not responding I've been busy."

"Fuck off, you are never too busy for me baby."

I winced I've never been one for the whole 'babe' and 'baby' nicknames

"Your right my world has to revolve around you right?"

"I just wanted to see you that's all.."

I felt horrible for not feeling the same way, but I didn't want to hurt her by telling her so.

"I...I agree why don't I come over we can do something"

"That sounds great baby."

After all, I did need something to get my mind off of the Ophelia situation.

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