the party (6)

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I needed a drink after what just happened.

I made my way up to Adam's house. There was music blaring from the house.

I saw people going in and out of his upper-class house.

I watched as I saw a group of girls from my school with body con dresses and their hair was styled beautifully that reminded me that, my mind was so wrapped up with Peter I didn't even think about how I must have looked like a wreck.

My hair was still wet which you can only imagine how bad that looks. I was also still wearing a Peters hoodie which fit slightly oversized on me. And to top it off all my makeup had been washed off by the water of the lake.

I felt undressed.

I was debating on just walking home until Inez walked passed the open front door and saw me.

"Oh my god Ophelia!" She ran outside to me she looked extremely concerned.

I hugged her, I felt extended embarrassed— I mean I was standing next to my best friend who looked gorgeous, and next to her I looked like a wet dog.

She had glittery gold eyeshadow dark red lips and her hair was curled.

"I just want to go home, I feel so out of place here Inz"

She frowned and before she could protest Adam walked out.

He threw his hands up and had a big smirk.

"There are my girls," he said walking towards us.

He paused and looked at me, "I love the natural look Ophelia, it's hot."

Hot? I've never been called hot by a guy before at least, not to my face.

"Thanks," I said.

Adam looked amazing he was wearing a white button-up a T-shirt that was half-up unbuttoned and black jeans.

"Why don't we go inside, have a drink chat a little?" He suggested.

 Inez and I both nodded our heads in agreement.

I've never drunk alcohol before, and if you put aside the burning sensation it felt amazing.

I was on my 4th or 5th drink of the punch at the party and I felt a sense of confidence I had never had before.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Peter's number.

Ring Ring Ring

He answered.
"Hello? Ophelia why are you-"


"Are you still at the—"

"Shhhhhh, stop talking and listen.." I slurred

"Are you seriously drunk right now? You are so immature"

"No, you don't get— I hiccuped. "You don't get to call me immature mister meany"


"You heard me. you almost kissed me today but then I mentioned the party you got all mad, were you jealous you weren't invited?" I laughed

"I couldn't care any less about that party"

"I bet you couldn't," Inez reached for my phone she was slightly soberer than me and knew this phone call wasn't going in a good direction.

"I know guys like you- you- you just are careless."

I felt my phone get taken out of my hand. I turned around and saw Adam with his phone he just said "Goodnight" and hung up on Peter.

"Enough of that parties should be fun right?" He said energetically.

"Yeahhh" I slurred.

I couldn't have agreed more at the moment I just wanted to forget everything.

I felt Adam's hand go underneath my hoodie and he squeezed my waist pulling me in.

He leaned in for a kiss. I didn't feel sparks or fire or anything of that sort it just felt like lips on lips.

He pulled away with a moan. "Let us go upstairs."

"No we shouldn't," I said shaking my head.

I looked into his eyes and they looked cold and emptied his eyebrows slowly furrowed.

"C'mon, you know you want to."

I knew I didn't want to lose my virginity at some random party.

"No, Adam.."

He leaned in and started sucking on my neck. I started feeling disgusted I tried to pull away but he had a firm grip on me.

I in a panic looked around for Inez but she was no were to be found.

"Please, stop." I felt my voice break

But he didn't stop his hand started to travel up and down my body stopping at my ass he squeezed it tightly.

I tried with every bone in my body to pull away but I couldn't all I could say was 'Stop' but he didn't hear me or at least he chose not to.

"She said stop dickhead" I heard Peters's voice come from behind me.

Adam stopped and pushed me away. "She came on me dude," he said putting his hand up in the air guiltily.

I couldn't believe how fast he passed the blame on me.

"Didn't look like it", Peter walked passed me and went straight face to face with Adam.

Adam started to get flustered. I had saw him scared before.

"Like I said I would never willingly to go for a girl like that," Adam tried to turn around and walk away but Peter put his hand on his shoulder and turned him back around.

"Cut the bullshit."

With his right hand, he punched Adam in the nose.

Blood poured out. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Everyone at the party gathered around in a circle around Peter and Adam.

Adam looked up with his stone-cold eyes. He started to punch Peter repeatedly.

Everyone was screaming. I didn't know what to do, I wanted more than anything to help him— as he helped me.

I went to intervene but Peter just pushed me away.

With one final right hook, Peter knocked 6' Adam to the ground.

Everyone at the party crowded around them pushing me farther away.

I heard police sirens outside. Someone must have called the police.

I pushed my way through the hurdle of people to find Peter and hugged him. I rested my head on his chest.

"Thank you", I whispered. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed.

"I gotta go, my dad would be pissed to find out I got in a fight" Peter let go and left swiftly.

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