the lake (3)

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The last bell of the school day rang.

I haven't talked to Peter since our little discussion this morning about driving around to find a place.

He probably won't follow through with our half-assed plan anyways.

"Ophelia, are you coming to my house after school? We can always head to Adams's party after" Inez said.

Before I could say 'Sure', my phone buzzed.


3:16 pm
Peter:  'Meet me at the side doors.'
me: 'okay'

"I can't— I'm going to work on my project with Peter, it's gonna probably take at the max a half an hour I can head to your house afterward"

"Oh okay catch you later then.." Inez sounded disappointed.

I feel horrible for letting her down but like I said before my grades come first.

As I was walking towards the side doors I saw Peter leaning against the wall outside on his phone.

I walked out the door and he looked up with a smile.

"You smiling, what have you done with the real Peter?"

He laughed, "What you don't like to see me happy Opel?"

"God, never call me that" I gagged.

"Too late I already love it so much," He said putting his hand on his chest.

He grabbed his keys out of his back pocket and started walking to a 66' Convertible Red mustang.

'This is your car?"

Peter shook his head yes, "Good thing your opinion on my car doesn't affect me."

"Calm down I wasn't making fun of your car Pitta."


"Now that is a good nickname admit it."

"Whatever you have to say to help yourself sleep at night."

We had been driving for about 15 minutes and were no longer in town but by the looks of it the middle of now where.

We had just been listening to music the whole time. Beetles, Billy Joel, and TV girl.

Except for a few quick comments here and there about the music but that's all.

As I look over at him I noticed he had a few light brown freckles spread out on his slightly sunburnt cheeks I never noticed he had freckles.

His dirty blonde hair was blowing in the wind because he had the sunroof down. His big brown doe eyes have little flakes of gold in them.

"Are you okay?", he said looking at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

I was completely caught off guard.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"You were staring I thought something was wrong"

"I must have spaced out," I said trying to save myself.

He just nodded his head and his eyes were slightly squinted as if he didn't completely believe me.

Truth be told I even couldn't explain to myself why I had been looking at him anyways.

Before I knew it we had reached a dead end of a dirt road.

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