resentment (5)

17 1 5


I felt the blood rush to my cheeks.

We were both well aware we don't have bathing suits.

"I don't have my bikini."

He smirked "Are you gonna let that stop you?"

He took off his top.

I couldn't help but look at his golden body.

He had light outlines of abs that hides underneath sweatshirts every day.

I felt my heartbeat accelerating as he started to unzip his pants and flung them into a pile.

He stood there in only his underwear.

I shook my head in disbelief here I was looking at Peter Green in nothing but underwear.

"Are you just gonna stare or are you gonna join me?"

"Uh," I said scratching my neck nervously.

"No pressure but you did say you've always wanted to swim in a lake."

"I didn't mean today.."

"What's stopping you from making it today?"

"I'm just a little nervous that's all", I said breaking eye contact.

I felt embarrassed admitting that.

I started picking anxiously at my fingers I didn't notice him walking towards me.

He came behind me and wrapped his arms around my torso lifting me slightly up.

He whispered in my ear, "Do you need me to help you?"

My brain felt like it was malfunctioning his breath on my neck gave me goosebumps.

"Yes"— To be completely honest I wasn't sure what he was asking but yes just felt right at this moment.

He then squeezed me slightly tighter then lifted me higher and started towards the lake.


he moved a arm underneath my legs and lifted me up into bridal style.


I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly and hid my head in the nape of his neck.


he started grinning like a devil.


I let out a scream and then felt the ice-cold water cover my entire body.


We separated as soon as we both went underwater. Once I swam up to the surface. I saw his head pop up.

We were both breathing heavily.

He looked like a greek god with wet hair, and his chest was caving in and out.

"Peter what the hell was that," I said splashing him with water.

"You said you wanted some help," he said with a cheeky grin.

"I didn't think that meant throwing me into the water."

"I didn't just throw you, I threw us."

"God you really are annoying" I tried to keep a straight face but couldn't help but crack a smile.

He swam towards me and got extremely close.

He tucked a piece of my wet hair behind my ear.

His doe brown eyes met mine. His eyelashes looked luscious when wet.

"Ophelia, this is the most fun I've had this week."

"That's not true."

"I wouldn't lie about that," he said making sure to keep eye contact.

I couldn't help it, almost as if he was magnetic and I was being pulled towards him.

Our faces were inches from each other. He cupped his my face with his hand moving his thumb up and down.

Then when my phone went off.

Buzz, Buzz, Buzz

I backed away immediately. What was I doing I've only known him for 2 days.

"Shit.." I said swimming towards shore.

"What's wrong? What happened" Peter sounded genuinely concerned.

"Nothing it's just I lost track of time I told Inez I would be done with this in half an hour."

"Only half an hour?"

I checked the time it had been well over half an hour.


missed call from Inez


3 missed messages from Inez

"It's been 2 and a half, God I'm a horrible friend".

"You're a horrible friend for having fun?" Peter said confused.

"Yes, I told her I would be there and I'm not."

A wind started to pick up.

I started to shiver I was still in soaking wet clothes.

Peter looked at me and then without a second thought tossed me his hoodie.

"You must also be cold I can't take this," I said trying to hand him back his hoodie.

"I'm not gonna stand here and watch you freeze, put it on."

I didn't want to fight it because it was true I felt as if I was gonna freeze.

I put on his navy blue Nike hoodie. It was extremely toasty. And it had a smell of peppermint. 

"So,  I need to take you to your friends Inez's house right?" Peter said whilst putting on his jeans.

"Actually she texted me she was going to be heading to Adams party soon and to meet her there so you can just drop me off at Adams".

Peter scrunched up his nose and slightly raised his eyebrow. "Adam?"

"Yes? Is that a problem?".

"Well yeah, he's a total dickwad." We both headed to his car.

"Ironic coming from you," I said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Peter asked

"It's not like you are the nicest guy ever"

Peter rolled his eyes "Yeah, well at least I don't pretend to be someone I'm not"

"That's not pretentious at all Peter." I rolled my eyes.

"You know what whatever it I tried to warn you, he is a total creep."

Warn me? I couldn't believe what I was hearing its not like I was going to this party just for Adam.

"I'm not a child I don't need to be told what to do"

He sighed, "I wasn't saying that."

"Well, it was implied."

We both got in his car. The drive to Adams's house was silent.

Once we arrived Peter didn't even care to look over at me.

'Thanks for the ride."

I was met with silence. Once I had gotten out of the car he sped off.

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