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It was an unusually quiet morning at the Bakugou household. Normally, Mitsuki and her son would be shouting their heads off at each other while Masaru tried to calm them down so that they could have breakfast. However, today there was an eery silence.

Mitsuki had always been proud of her son and his quirk. She had always encouraged him to be the best and assumed his temper was something he inherited from her. Never did she think, that Katsuki might have let the power get to his head. While she tried to defend Katsuki at the station, she was quite angry at him and herself now. Tsukauchi had asked Katsuki several questions and Katsuki had offered horrifying answers without so much as a stutter. In fact, he was smiling while saying it and was acting with jeer as if there was nothing wrong. As Katsuki had kept talking, Mitsuki kept feeling like a failure. Even the other officers were scowling at them and gave them a murderous look as they left.

Once they had come home, Katsuki had gone straight to his room and come back for dinner as if nothing had happened. Then they had a fight. And Mitsuki was ashamed that she lost it. Katsuki had proven his points by showing her that she did the exact same thing with her friends and colleagues. Mitsuki had refuted it saying that her friends knew that she was kidding, but she realized that they were probably like Izuku, too afraid to speak out. Katsuki had smirked once he saw the realization on her face and kept yelling at her about how it was all her fault.

Finally, Masaru had intervened and had quite loudly ordered Katsuki to go to his room. Katsuki obeyed with a growl, rarely disobeying his calmer father. Masaru had given Mitsuki an angry and disappointed glare before retreating to the bedroom leaving Mitsuki alone. Mitsuki couldn't fault him, Masaru had warned her years ago that her parenting style was not great but Mitsuki, like the person she was had ignored him, leading up to this.

Mitsuki was brought back to the present when the doorbell rang. She quietly moved to get up but Masaru had stopped her, "Katsuki, go see who it is,"

"I'm eating breakfast!" he yelled back disrespectfully.

"Now, means NOW KATSUKI! DON'T MAKE ME TELL IT TWICE!" Masaru barked angrily. Katsuki was shocked that his normally calm and loving father was so angry. He tried to retort but all that left him was a fearful whimper as he got up to check the door.

"You didn't have to do that..." Mitsuki said.

"You think I did it for you!?" Masaru said menacingly, "I told you years back to change your parenting style. All you did was set him up for failure. It never bodes well to tell a child that they are meant for great things. Either they fail and get depressed or they become like Katsuki, all power-hungry, and a bully," Masaru growled. Mitsuki was also taken aback at Masaru's tone but didn't bother replying. She knew he was right.

Katsuki came with a bundle of paper in his hands and threw it on the table next to Masaru, still angry. Masaru narrowed his eyes and threw back the bundle of papers at his son's feet, "Pick it up and hand them to me," he ordered.

"What the hell do you think-"

"NOW BOY!" Masaru yelled. Katsuki shut himself up once more and quietly did as he was told before sitting down to finish his breakfast. He used the spoon too hard in his anger and kept clanging against the plate. Masaru slapped his son's hand and made him drop the spoon, "Show some proper attitude! If you want to be mad, go be mad. No need for food," he growled. Katsuki gulped and froze. He didn't know how to react since he had never been disciplined like now, "Your mother may have been complacent, but I'm going to fix all of that, got it!?"

Katsuki nodded fast, his instincts telling him any other answer would end him.

"Good, now for the mail," Masaru opened. Mitsuki moved closer. She saw her husband's face contort into anger at her movements but he didn't say anything, "You have been charged with attempted murder of a minor, illegal quirk usage, bullying, quirk-induced bullying, and torture of a minor," Masaru shoved the papers towards his son who sat quietly. Masaru shoved it under his eyes but Katsuki looked the other way, "Oh no, no. You thought you are all high and mighty. See the results now. Come on read it. Read it!" he yelled.

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