Aldera Court Case

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"Everything in place?"

"Troublesome old man," Shikamaru replied off-handedly, "Yes everything is in place. The bullies' convictions were dealt with separately,"

"What did they get?"

"Most agreed to confess and got away with community service. The ones who didn't got sent to juvenile detention centers ranging from 6 months to even 3 years. The judge ordered an investigation into the parents too,"

Hisashi nodded, "That's fair. What is today's court appearance on?"

"Taking out Aldera. Bakugou gave a signed confession and testimony on Aldera's misdemeanors. He also identified several students as bullies so his sentence has been reduced. He will be out at 18 years old now with 2 years of probation."

"They cut 3 years!?"

"The sentencing was so long for Bakugou because the judge felt that his past quirk usage accompanied with his behavior would be harmful. He seemed to control his anger much better so the judge reduced his sentence by 3 years.

"Hmph," Hisashi said, clearly unhappy.

"Don't go 'hmph' me. If the kid can change, a sentence reduction is best. Don't cloud your judgment," Shikamaru pointed out.

Hisashi sighed, "I suppose. Is Nedzu coming?"

"No. He's off to see the execution at Tartarus. He said you could cover his findings."

Hisashi nodded, "Did the judge agree to a re-sentencing if required?"

"He did but he was pretty annoyed that I wouldn't tell him what might cause such a scenario. I'm mad too. Do you know how troublesome it is to get lectured?"

Hisashi chuckled, "Sorry. I would tell you but it's confidential,"

"Didn't stop you before,"

"Let's just say that it's best not to spread any of this news in case I'm wrong. Shall we?" Hisashi opened the courtroom door.

Shikamaru gave him a pointed glare and muttered, "Troublesome," before entering, Hisashi following suit.

"You are late, Prosecutor," The judge said.

"Sorry, your honor. I was waiting for the detective in charge to arrive," Shikamaru excused.

"Don't make it a habit. Let the case begin," The judge banged his gavel, "In recent weeks, this case has taken both the media and law enforcement by storm. Today's case will be the last trial in the sense that it is the conviction of the staff. Prosecutor, please present your case to the court for formality," The judge announced.

Shikamaru nodded, "We would like to charge the defendants with child negligence, child abuse, physical and mental, quirk discrimination as well as assault and accessory to assault," Shikamaru noted.

The judge noted it down, "Would the defendants like to respond to the charges?"

"No sir," The defendant replied shocking Shikamaru, "We would like to plead guilty to the charges of mentally abusing the children only,"

The judge nodded, "Noted. But what about the physical child abuse, and assault charges?"

"Your honor, there is no evidence of these claims,"

"Objection your honor. We have video evidence of them hitting the children. The commissioner also caught them red-handed in the raid," Shikamaru retorted.

"Do you have the evidence to support these claims?" The judge asked.

"Yes, your honor. The tapes are already loaded. Would you like to see them?"

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