Harlem and princess

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Outside of Valiant's office, he sees princess.

"Oh kid It's you...come on...I'll take you to your family but first I have to take care of something"

He takes her hand and helps her up, they head inside his office.

Then a shadow of Jessica casts itself over the door from the inside.

"Ok you stay right here ok?"

Princess nodded and she sits down

"Mr. Valiant. Mr. Valiant?"

There is the sound of a flushing toilet and Valiant emerges from the bathroom.

"You've got the wrong idea about me, Mr. Valiant. I'm a pawn in this just like Roger. Can you help me find him? Just name your price, and I'll pay it"

Yeah, I bet you will. You've got to have the rabbit to make this scam work"

Princess immediately covers her eyes...

"No, no, no. I love my husband. You've got me all wrong. You don't know how hard it is being a woman looking the way I do"

"Yeah, well, you don't know how hard it is, being a man, looking at a woman looking the way you do"

"I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way"

"Weren't you the one I caught playing pattycake for old man Acme?"

"You didn't catch me, Mr. Valiant. You were set up to take those pictures"

"What are you talking about?"

"Maroon wanted to blackmail Acme. I didn't want anything to do with it, but he said that if I didn't pose for those patty cake pictures, Roger would never work in this town again. I couldn't let that happen. I'd do anything for my husband, Mr. Valiant. Anything"

"What a wife" but he turned and remembered princess.

"I'm desperate, Mr. Valiant. Can't you see how much I need you?"

Valiant's trousers fall down, "ahem" they heard princess speaking and they tuned to see Dolores.

"Dabbling in water colors, Eddie?"


Valiant rapidly tries to pull up his trousers and as he stands up his head comes up between Jessica's breasts.

"Sorry. Ha"

"Goodbye, Eddie. My offer stands firm. Think about it"

As Jessica leaves, she blows a kiss at Valiant which flutters across the room and smacks onto Valiant's cheek.

"Well!" Dolores pulls off the kiss, "Do you want to tell me what she was doing with her arms around you?"

"Probably looking for a good place to stick a knife!"

"Oh, come on, Eddie. I caught you with your pants down!"

"Yeah, well, I didn't..." Dolores leaves, "Dolores, come..."

Valiant rushes after Dolores catching her outside, princess followed him.

"Come on, Dolores. You don't believe a painted hussy like that could turn my head? She's just trying to get her hands on the rabbit"

"That's not all she's trying to get her hands on" she noticed princess.

"Now look, Dolores, listen. Listen to me. I want you to go out. I want you to buy a new swimsuit cause you and me are going to Catalina. I'm on the verge of wrapping up this case"

"No you're not, Eddie. That's what I came to tell you. I stopped by probate. Maroon's not after Toontown like you thought. It's Cloverleaf that wants to get their hands on Toontown. They put in the highest bid. And unless Mr. Acme's will shows up by midnight tonight, Cloverleaf is going to own Toontown"

THE BAD GUYS IN: who framed Rodger rabbitWhere stories live. Discover now