Kidnapped again

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Valiant princess and Roger are at a cinema. In a cartoon, an exhausted Goofy flops through an open door.

"Ah, now that wasn't so bad, was it?"

"Hoo hooo! Hooo hoo hoo!" Rodger laughter With a popcorn.

"Boy, did you see that? Nobody takes a wallop like Goofy! What timing! What finess! What a genius! Hooo hoo!" Valiant pulls Roger back to the seat next to him by his ears.


"We're supposed to be hiding. What's wrong with you?" Valiant slaps Roger upside his head.

"What's wrong with you? You're the only person in this theatre that isn't laughing! Is there nothing that can permeate your impervious puss? Hey, Eddie!" He Pulls funny face, "Plplplll! Boy, nothing. What could have possibly happened to you to turn you into such a sourpuss?"

"You wanna know? I'll tell you. A toon killed my brother"

"A toon? No"

Princess looks up at valiant, she can relate to him, she lost someone she once lost.

"That's right. A toon. We were investigating the robbery of the first national bank of Toontown. Back in those days, me and Teddy liked working in Toontown. Thought it was a lot of laughs. Ha. Anyway, this guy got away with a zillion simoleons. We trailed him down to a little dive down in Yukster Street. We went in. Only he got the drop on us. Literally. Dropped a piano on us from fifteen stories. Broke my arm. Teddy never made it. I never did find out who that guy was. All I remember was him standing over me laughing, with those burning red eyes and that high squeaky voice. He disappeared into Toontown after that"

Roger was in a crying fit then princess lay her head on his arm.

Valiant turn to princess and that one moment made him smiled as he carefully Pat her arm.

"No wonder you hate me! If a toon killed my brother, I'd hate me too" Rodger cried.

"Come on. Don't cry. I don't hate you"

"Yes, you do!"

"No, I don't"

"You do hate me. Otherwise, you wouldn't have yanked my ears all those times"

"Come on. I'm sorry I yanked your ears"

"All the times you yanked my ears?"

"All the times I yanked your ears"

"Apology accepted! Put it there, pal. I feel better... Oh boy! I hope it's another cartoon!"

The newsreel starts, "Jeepers. Another stupid newsreel. I hate the news"

Which left valiant with princess, he turns to her as she tilts her head up and sits up straight.

A lot was going on through his head, mainly about her.

"So do you know what they did to you" he asked her.

But she turned to him and shook her head.

"You must be very traumatized" he asked.

Then he sees her fidgeting with her fingers, he could tell something was up.

"Do you remember who kidnapped you"

But She didn't say anything, just continued to stay quiet.

"Your not much of a talker are you?"

Then Dolores comes in and sits down beside Valiant, princess moves next to Rodger.

"You got all my stuff?"

"Yes. They're packed up in the car outside. Would've been here after you called but I had to shake the weasels"

THE BAD GUYS IN: who framed Rodger rabbitWhere stories live. Discover now