Chapter 1

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(By original author)
After confusion left Ali, he started thinking of answer to the questions in his head. He can think on answer but it is illogical as hell.

He time traveled, here in the past.

And he left it like that. Not wanting to think much more when the answer he came to conclusion is most likely true. So he decided to do his morning routine. He gets up from his bed and walk towards the door. However, he stopped in front of the mirror and looked at himself. Now that he thinks about it, he actually felt the same. He can feel his trained body and not the old untrained body he had meaning, he traveled back to the past with his own current body? No, it's more like he have his strength from the previous timeline since he's not that tall as he was. He shrugs and exited his room.

After an hour later...

Ali walked towards the kitchen with his school uniform on. He take the toast that he put in the toaster earlier before he when in to the bathroom. As his hand reach the toast he quickly turn around and start walking towards the door. "Let's go, Co..." Ali stopped and looked at the empty spot where his little furry friend always stands with the feeding bowl in her mouth. Ali lookedd away sadly. "Right... I forgot..." He utters. He purse his lips. For all of the sudden, th e house felt empty and... cold.

He shakes his head and looked forward determinedly. This is not the time for him to be sad. He walked out of his house, determination written on his face.

"Let's do this."


Ali makes his way to school with his scooter. He did say he doesn't want to think about it anymore but he couldn't help but wondered what the hell is happening. Had he gone back to the past? Perhaps to change the future? He purse his lips. Can he even do it> He shakes that thought away out of his head. He also found out that he still has his phone from the future so he decided to use his future phone instead of the current one and store that one somewhere in his closet.

But there's something bothering him. Where is his dad? For the rest of the morning, he didn't see his dad's face. He had assumed that his dad probably had slept in his office like that one time. However Ali can't shake off this uneasy feeling and he doesn't really know why. Perhaps he should wait for his dad to come back home today.

Ali when in to the alley and stopped at the scene of Shaun and Syed bullying Boy.

Syed snatch an ice cream from Boy's hand. "G-give it back! I'm hungry..." Boy pleads. Syed smirks. "Don't you know that it's not good for you to eat ice cream early in the morning? How about you give us a small bite. Syed says 'very' nicely. Shaun frowned. "But I want to have a big bite." he retorts.

Ali rolls his eyes. They really need to stop this goddamn bullying. He took a can from the ground and throwed at Syed. The can hit Syed's head before it bounces and hit Shaun's head. Syed lost grip on the ice cream. Both of them fall on their asses and Boy manage to catch his ice cream before it made contact with the ground.

Boy says thank you before licking his ice cream. Ali gave Boy a two finger salute before going away from the alley. Meanwhile, the two bullies groan in pain. They looked at where Ali had been. "I'll get you back for this, Ali! Just you wait!" Syed shouts, dissatisfied. Ali who heard it from miles away, ignores it. Because well... It's not worth his anyway. Although him traveling back to the past to fix the future is very troublesome, it's worth than just his time.

Then, Ali turned his scooter around the corner and saw the Wak Musang's nasi lemak stall a few meters away from him.

Wak Musang seems to be normal as usual. Nothing abnormal. Ali stopped in front of the stall and pretend to search for food. "Hm, what do you want, boy?" Wak Musang ask being bored as hell. "Can I have one tempoyak udang?" Ali ask. Unlike last time, he had requested nasi lemak and tempoyak udang that he didn't get it anyways. However now he knows about the I.R.I.S he should just go straight to the point. Wak Musang smiled. "Of course, why didn't just say that earlier?"  he says as he reach for a green lunchbox and handed to Ali.

"How much?" Ali ask. Wak Musang waves it off. "Nah, it's okay. It's on the house." Ali smiled and thanked him before he continued to ride on his scooter to school. Well there you go. A few more hours before he officially becomes an agent. Why wouldn't he not want to be an agent again? Yes, he have a chance of not getting himself in danger as he will be involve with the I.R.I.S but that also mean leaving M.A.T.A to an unknown absolute dangerous threat if he doesn't interfere and accidentally become a super agent. That's a big no no for Ali. Besides, he want continue to serve M.A.T.A and protect Cyberaya.

He wanted to meet everyone again and.... save them.


Ali swear to god that Miss Munah is secretly a ninja.

Why? Well apparently Miss Munah had jump in and slice his science exam paper in to two with only a cane. A FUCKING CANE. And if it isn't for Ali's fast reflexes, he may be sliced along with the paper. Aside from that, he literally forgot how he fucked at math, science and other subjects. He inwardly smirk because he is sooo going to surprise them with his marks suddenly going up. Well, he already surprised them with being early to school.

"I am sorry, teacher. I'll try to do my best next time." Ali says calmly, because well he learned how timid he was and he's not gonna be so timid anymore. Miss Munah glares at Ali and rolled her eyes. "Your best?" She scoff. "Your best wouldn't mean anything if you don't pass the exam! I don't want to see your face next year!" She gave Ali one more glare before she walked to the front. Ali sigh, because he had seriously expected that. Miss Munah seems to be very fed with him.

Ali leaned on to his seat and actually payed attention to what Miss Munah is teaching. After all, it's not bad to learn the same thing again and it will definitely help Ali to understand the much more than he had. Suddenly, Ali noticed Alicia glancing at him. Probably suspicious of why he had suddenly came to school early. But oh well, he couldn't care any less.

However when Ali's eyes met Alicia's an image of Alicia laying with a severe wound that seems to cause by Uno's blade, lifeless across the boy's eyes. He immediately looked down and shut his eyes. Calm down, Ali, Alicia is fine. She's okay. None of that have happened. No one is dead. Everything is fine. Ali tried to calm himself down before he hyperventilates. He took a deep breath and calm down. He resumes to pay attention to his teacher. Although he had calm downed, a glint of guilt still hangs his eyes and his stomach twist.

God how useless and weak he was.

He swore this time, he'll be more careful, more observant and perhaps more aware so his performance wouldn't be so bad. He won't depend on the I.R.I.S to much unlike the past. Other than that, Alicia... She'll be rather difficult to deal with.... again. Actually... Ali isn't ready to see them again. Especially Agent Rizwan. He doesn't really know what to think about him.

He... looked up to the inviso agent a lot but after he did.... that. And of course, Jenny or he should say Cinco, he surely need to chase her out of M.A.T.A. How the hell will he do that anyway? Not only that, he also need to make sure the I.R.I.S stay out of her reach. That pest had to put some type micro bug in his I.R.I.S. However it is, he won't let everyone die again?

He will change the future and take the consequences of it if he have to.


To be continued.....

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