Chapter 2

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Ali and Viktor walked out from the school together. "Eh, Ali. Since when you have a sweet tooth?" Viktor ask with one of eyebrows raised as soon as he looked up from his tablet. They both stopped and stand in front of the school gate. Ali turned his to look at his friend. True words that came of Viktor's mouth since there's a red lollipop in Ali's mouth. "Since yesterday, suddenly I'm addicted to lollipops now." Ali shrugs.

While in reality, he started to have a sweet tooth specifically for red lollipops when Agent Rizwan had offered him one to congratulate him because him because their mission was successful. And ever since then, he always brought red lollipops with him. Besides, it came in handy in his mission sometimes.

Honk honk

Ali and Viktor turned their heads at the newly arrived car. Viktor's attention returned to the gadget in his hand. " My mom is here. Do you want a ride?" He look at Ali again. Ali waves his hand. "No, it's okay. I want to go to Zali Mart." Viktor shrugs before his hand reach for something in his bag. "Here, Ali. I've already installed Detective Jebat game in your tablet. Come to my house later so we can play together." Viktor said as he gave Ali his tablet back. "Thanks, if I'm not busy I'll come to your house later." Ali said with a smile on his face as he took his tablet. 

Viktor raised an eyebrow when his friend said that. Busy? As long he remembered Ali doesn't have many things to do. They always play games together. While Ali on the other hand, had winced inwardly when he heard himself saying he may be busy. Because well... he will admit back then before he's an agent, he doesn't do anything other than playing games with Viktor. Either way Viktor gave him a thumbs, brushing it off and focus on the device in front of him. Then he when in to the car and the car drives away from here.

'1... 2..... 3' Ali turn around and saw his uncle. "Uncle!" Ali greets his uncle as cheerful and energetic he is. Even if it's kinda traumatizing to see his uncle and at the same time seeing his cold lifeless body- Ali pushed the thought out of his head. He has to stay focus. "Ali! It's been a long time since I saw you last time! How old are you now? 9 years old? Bakar ask as he ruffles his nephew head. Ali tried hard not to tense at the sudden contact and looked at his uncle, annoyed. Yes, he knew that he is short for a 12 year old. But seriously, it is annoying for everyone to always mistake him for a 9 year old.

"Uncle... I'm 12 years old." He huffs in annoyance. "Eh, really? Why are you so short? Don't you eat enough?" Bakar asked, while looking around carefully. Ali shrugs and plops a lollipop that he had been holding in his mouth again. Well... his uncle isn't wrong, he hasn't been eating a lot. Bakar raised an eyebrow when he find his nephew with a red lollipop. Since when did his nephew likes lollipops? Not only that, it kinda reminds him of someone he knew.

"You... kinda remind me of someone with that lollipop..." Bakar voiced out his thoughts.

Ali turned away from his uncle and smile sadly knowing who it is.

He hummed and started walking. "Eh, Ali where are you going?" His uncle asked. "Zali Mart. If you want, you can accompany me." Ali said, not looking at his uncle because he knows that his uncle would still accompany him. After all, he's holding I.R.I.S. His uncle ran towards his side. "I'll accompany you. Let's go. He said as he secretly looked at his phone before he put it inside  his pocket and both of them walked to Zali Mart.

As soon as they arrives, Ali went to the candy section. He needs more red lollipops because currently he only have one lollipop that he found in his house this morning. And that lollipop is the lollipop he is consuming right now. Bakar followed Ali, looking around and sticking his neck out here and there. Ali glanced at his uncle. ' Very subtle in deed.' He sigh. He went to the counter and payed for the lollipops.

Bakar looked at him questioningly. "Is this all you want to buy?" He asked. The boy can see a 'And why a bunch of red lollipops exactly?' question written on his uncle's face. He put the payed lollipops in his pocket and looked at his uncle, unimpressed. He brought the lollipop out of his mouth and holds it. "Of course not. I just want to pay the lollipops first." He said. He knew that he won't be able to buy the lollipops if he doesn't pay first since Dos and Trez will attack them. He walked to the deeper aisle and his getting very annoyed by his uncle very subtle caution.

"Look, uncle. What are you doing?" He asked in a hush tone but also a very annoyed tone so he wouldn't attract any attention. Bakar turned to his nephew. "Um... uh.." Bakar kneel in front of his nephew and is about to put his hand on his boy's shoulder but when his nephew took a step back and look uneasy. Bakar kept his hand to himself. " Ali, did you took something that is not yours?" Bakar asked with full seriousness. Ali blinked and pat his left pocket that is full of lollipops. "No, I don't think I took anything. Why?" He asked in a fake but convincing confusion . "You see that guy." Bakar said. And unlike last time, Ali didn't stick out his neck and make it obvious that he's looking at Trez.

' Why? What's wrong with that guy?" Ali said in a hush tone. "It's not safe in here. Come." Bakar pulled him to the other aisle. "There is a woman and that man just now, they- Come here." Bakar pulled Ali again when he saw Dos on the other aisle. Bakar stick his head out to look at Dos again but found no one. "Eh?" Ali looked behind his uncle and saw Trez standing there with a smirk. "Uncle..." Ali called Bakar. Trez pushed the aisle fell down like dominos. When the last aisle is about to fall down, Bakar pushed Ali and holds the aisle before it falls. "Ali run!" He shouted as he pushed the aisle.

'Here comes the action' Ali wasted no time, he plop the lollipop in his mouth and brought out his scooter. He rode it and get out of the Zali Mart. He then heard Dos chasing him from behind. And last time the result of it, he lost concentration and lost control of his scooter. That's how he got in to that construction building. And now if he change that, he doesn't have a reason to use the I.R.I.S. Some things is better off without any changes anyway.

'Here goes nothing'


To be continued...

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