Chapter 18

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When I came out of the shower, the conversations downstairs were in full swing. 

I also found out that Madhu aunty and her husband had to leave suddenly, so she packed our lunches and gave it to Sam while I was in the shower.

I went downstairs and sat on the couch.

"So, about the accident...." Raj tried to begin but I cut him off.

"Let's just eat something first. Then we'll discuss everything." 

Luckily, there were no objections and we silently had the lunch. 

"Alright, let's begin." Raam said as he took a seat in the living room.

"Before we jump to conclusions, Vaidehi, Raam, I think you both need to clear a few things to us." Sam said to us and I agreed with her.

Raam gestured me to start first.

"Okay, so me and Raj are college friends. Sometime during our college, Major came as a transfer student. We all got along pretty well. Then... uh..." I paused to find the right words.

"Then, the college was attacked and even some students were taken as hostages. Unfortunately, only one survived." Raam finished as he glanced at me.

Sam understood and prompted him to continue.

"Now, there are few 'situations' here.
1. We don't know who attacked the college or even planned something so brutal in a place full of students and moreover, why. Although, I have a feeling that this may have something to do with me.
2. The way both Vaidehi's and my memories are altered, then it clearly shows that they were bloody prepared, rather... waiting for this opportunity." Raam concluded.

Now, the attention turned to me again.

"Alright. I went out to check the local market that day, to find some sort of evidence or clue. There are two sort-of cafés near the college. One is crowded while the other is barely standing there. I got curious and visited the other one. As I was enjoying my coffee, the kids came and started hurling insults at the old man and even broke a few things in his café. Now, I was ignoring them until one of them started abusing the man's wife. That's why I hit them. Of course, I was attacked later.... which did not save me from any taunts from a certain someone... but that's alright." I said the last part while glaring at Raam.

"My theory is... these kids have some strong background. Also, we do need to check what is going on in that other store. Ugh.... all of this is just messed up." Raj said in frustration.

True, this all seemed like a typical story of some good guys trying to find some bad men. But, there were so many loopholes. We just needed to figure out a way that actually leads us somewhere and not just a dead end.

"Alright then, I have a few suggestions." Sam said after a long time.

"Go ahead." Gaurav Bhaiya said in a calm voice. He was the only one who hasn't said anything until now. I could see that he was lost in his thoughts, rather, too busy in thinking something.

"I can contact Vaidehi's hospital and find out about the chemical or whatever that was, which made her uncertain about her own memories." Sam suggested and I sucked in a breath.

Raam just placed his left hand on my knee which was bobbing up and down in nervousness and worry, without me noticing. I glanced at him but he just blinked his eyes that he'll handle it.

"Alright. Sam there is somethings which you need to know before you do that." Raam interrupted her.

Sam looked at us in confusion.

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