Gray: Wish Me Dead /1

17 0 29

(Judge me and I'll murder you. 🦐🔪)

(Y/n) = your name
(E/c) = eye color
(H/c) = hair color
Written in a 1st person POV




A long time ago in a galaxy far far awa- oh wait, wrong series. Uhhh... Oh yeah. So, like a few hundred years ago or so some baby started glowing. Everybody freaked out until it became completely normal... Not the glowing babies thing, but the people having powers thing. Anyways, these powers were eventually called quirks and now EVERYBODY has them! ...Almost everybody. There are still a couple people out there who don't, but they don't do much.

Anyways. So after a while, government did its thing and banned people from using their quirks in public and I think out in the wilderness too..? I dunno. I'll have to ask about that. So yeah, that kinda sucks. But, don't worry, you can earn the power you were born with back mAgiCalLy! WOW!... All you have to do is sell your soul to the government. And risk your neck on a daily basis to save other people from their own stupidity.

...You can probably see why I'm not all too fond of this... *sigh* Oh well...that's just how the world turns. Nothing I can really do about it. *shrugs*

Ya know... It's kinda funny starting off with all this, under the context that this is the story of how I BECAME one of these "heroes."

Sometimes I just confuse myself..

Oh well. Enjoy the show, I guess.


I...wasn't the kind one would expect to become a hero...

"Suii." My dead-pan voice wandered across the classroom to the shorter girl with long, green hair. Her already large eyes widened, head turning from the friends standing beside her toward me. "Meet me outside. Under the big tree." I followed up with. The shorter girl croaked, a little taken off guard by my hollow stare. I kept my unwavering gaze on her meek posture until at last I was at the door. Sliding one shoulder strap to my backpack over my shoulder, I turned and left the eerily quiet space.

Everyone remaining on campus was just conversing. Friends with friends... Enemies with enemies.

Within only a few short minutes, the frog girl bounced my way until she breached the shade of the tree's tall branches over us. The flower petals overhead were bright pink and just beginning to fall. ...Perhaps I should have chosen another location... Everything here was too tranquil and beautiful to match the topic at hand.

"You wanted to speak with me?" That girl's annoying voice squeaked once more. I shifted my eyes from staring at the tree above to the smaller girl's form. I too was female, though slouched and bearing the consistent, dead-souled expression that always ticked people off. The hostility of my simple glare alone was enough to clue the girl in on whatever was on my mind.

"You're applying for UA." I stated as though it were fact no one could deny.

Her eyes widened. "H-how did you know?! I haven't even told anyone yet!-"

"I have my ways.." Hands shoved into my pockets, the little of my face that could be seen under my (h/c) hair was grim and steadily darkening under the growing shadow. Despite all this, pink flower petals flew past ignorantly. My body turned to face the girl head-on at last. Even as I slouched, she was several inches shorter than me. "Now, are you going to retract your application, or am I going to have to put you back in your place during the entrance exam?" My head tilted back, exposing my attempt at a grin. My canines shown. The girl shivered.

Steadily Running Out of Time (MHA x Reader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang