Gray: Taking Goals /10

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Contrary to popular belief, I actually DO have friends outside of school... They're just online.


All speaking English:

     "Okay okay, everyone, calm down." The VC was a mess. Over thirty people were in it trying to talk at once, their voices merging and glitching into one chaotic mass. Eventually, I just had to use my moderator abilities to mute everybody but myself and a couple other mods. "Alright, I legit just got in here. Can someone explain what just happened??" My work attire was still on from my first day at the job. When I had returned home, my DMs we're flooded with notifications.

     This server was designated to a fan group of about 100 people. Everyone here was a fan of an indie show called Star Killers; a semi low budget animated series based on a videogame, made by only a small handful of people. I had started as one of the random members who just shared my fan art, but over time actually got to know people and come out of my shell. Less than a year ago I was gifted a moderator position and declared as one of the VIPs of the server. Truly a momentous occasion for someone like me.

     ArdvarkVPN was the first of the mods to speak up. He was relatively new here, especially compared to me. "Uh-m... For Killer (me) and anyone else wondering what is going on, Adam (the indie show's creator) was just arrested for drug dealing. The show's being canceled. Even the co founders are giving up on it." I and whoever else wasn't muted gasped. No way! This series had been in the works for over three years now! Worst of all, it was on its final ARC! The biggest, raddest battle was under production! This was why everyone was here; the only reason I didn't go through middle school completely friendless!

     "That can't be right." The concerned Jiminy spoke up. "Surely someone else is going to finish it!"

      To prove it, Ardvark shared his screen so all could see the message from one of the cofounders confirming it. Ardvark was a voice actor for the show, which is probably why he so quickly became a server favorite. I was mostly quiet, just listening to everyone else slowly coming to the same realization as I. ...This server was done for... It might not be immediate, but, it might not be long before we never see each other again...

      No, I just couldn't let that happen.

      I unmuted myself and spoke up. "I can finish the show." Everyone in the chat was quiet for a moment.

      Ardvark. "...Are you sure, Killer?"

      My voice dragged, vocal cords sore from all the talking I had to do at work. "It doesn't have to be super high quality. As long as the story is told, it should be fine." We discussed the topic a little more, but it was already decided in my head. If no one else was going to finish it, I may as well do it myself. I could draw pretty well anyways, meaning I was already halfway there.

      "...Well, if Killer's willing to do it, I'm willing to help." Dicey added. She was also an artist like me.

      "Yeah, from what I know, everyone already recorded their lines, so I should be able to send you all those and the script." Ardvark overed. A few miniscule cheers sounded.

     And just like that, the crisis was diverted and replaced with the excitement of a new project.

      Only problem: now the life of both this show and my online friend group rested entirely on my shoulders...

      I ended up staying up all night, just assembling a small team consisting of my online friends and getting the project started.

     Wasn't even tired when my alarm went off, signaling it was time to get ready for school.

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