Gray: So You Might Know /2

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I squinted my eyes open. Odd. Blankets and pillows were all strewn about me, wrapping around my body like the clothing of a Greek goddess. I laid flat on my stomach, again in bed. Strange...I don't remember going to sleep, or even the rest of the DAY for that matter!

My eyes wandered to the calendar as I slid glasses onto my face. Weakly propping myself up with my arms, I read the calendar carefully. It was...the same day!

Excited, I realized all of that must have only been a dream! No wonder everyone, myself included, were acting so strange near the end! Whew! What a RELIEF to know my first day of school was not ruined!


I burst from my bedroom, already dressed and ready to go.

"Woah! Someone's early!" My mom smiled to see me so wide eyed and energetic for probably the first time in a decade!

"Can I borrow some cash?!" I asked suddenly. My mom frowned, placed a plate of pancakes down on the table for the three boys in front of her to eat and set her hands on her big hips all sassy-like.

"What for?" She inquired. "And how much?"

"Only ¥2,000! PLEEASE!?" (I did the math and WOW, only $5 equals more than ¥700. Tragic.) "I promise to show you when I get back!"

"Hhhh, alright.. If you're not going to tell me now then may as well pick up some groceries for me on the way back. Now eat your breakfast; I need to make a list!" Mom chuckled at my excitement, certainly not expecting it. I was just glad the universe decided to give me another CHANCE! She set to writing down a small list of things on a little slip of paper as I sat next to my brothers and ate a singular pancake with them. They boys too stared at me curiously, wondering why I was all of a sudden.


"-K thanks mo-mom!" I said, snatching both the cash and slip of paper from her hand.

"Wai-wait!" I froze before I could run off. Wincing inside, I wondered if this was about the brief stutter. "...Give me a hug before you go at least." I turned around, seeing my mom's arms open wide. My smile remained faint but grateful. I gave her a quick squeeze before running toward the door. "Have fun at UA!" She called behind me.

As I exited the house, I slammed the door shut by accident, caught myself from falling down a couple steps, and landed with style on the basic paved path to our driveway with a spin.

"Why the rush?" I froze. "You will be an hour early if you go now." My eyes darted up, spotting Dad on our roof. He dropped down onto the grass with ease in front of me and idly massaged a forearm of his as he neared.

"I- I- I-"

"Remember to calm down and take a moment."

I did as he asked, closing my eyes and taking in a slowly new breath. "I'm going to the store first. Mom gave me a shopping list so I can pick up a few things on my way back, too!" I added by showing him the evidence from within my new school uniform pocket.

"Hm." Dad nodded faintly at the sight. "So what are you getting?"

"I- um.. I don't knoww...exactly." This did not assure him that I was going to be smart with his money. He frowned just enough to make me feel like I was one step away from being expelled even OFF campus. "Okay-okay, I DO, but it's a surprise!"

Steadily Running Out of Time (MHA x Reader) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon