Gray: . . . /6

7 0 3

Headphones on my head, humming up a storm, I sat on my bed, a word I couldn't form.

In the past days where I didn't get up, I was quickly scolded for being lazy. However, now, my mother recognized something was wrong immediately. It wasn't that I didn't want to get up. It was that I couldn't get up. It wasn't that I didn't want to talk. I simply couldn't talk. I hated this. I wanted to rise, leave my room, see how Bakugo was doing, and maybe even go get some mochi to snack on.

But...I just couldn't.

My mom recognized this behavior immediately. I had done so a lot as a kid, especially if she was running late or mentioned driving away. She had to make up clever lies about only riding the train or something to calm me down. My mom never knew the extent of my pain...nor did she think it would come back so late in my life.

She sat on my bed with me and gave me a hug. Though she already knew it wouldn't work, she tried to ask me if it was a bad dream or something that happened yesterday. I could hardly respond with even the shake of my head. My glossy gaze remained still on my lap. I was glad she was here, though. Super glad.

After a time, my mom had to get up to tend to the other children. A few minutes later, once my dad had arrived home that morning, he stopped by my room. I cringed away from the door, sick to my stomach at the thought that after all of this he would deal the finishing blow by once again rejecting me and my year at UA. However..he did not.

My dad sat down on the side of my bed and pet my hair for a moment. "...You've been using your quirk again, haven't you..?" He asked softly. Bashfully, I nodded. "And you got yourself into trouble, didn't you? Perhaps even a car crash?" Again, I nodded, cheeks heating a little in embarrassment. But, instead of scolding me or offering fatherly advice, he scooted in a little closer and wrapped his arms around me instead. I froze up for a moment, breath catching. As time passed, though, I melted little bit by little bit until I was a puddle in his hold, weeping bitterly.

He couldn't be there long, even though he skipped breakfast to comfort me, but his visit was much needed. I felt...a lot better when he left.

Mom of all people was the one to grumble at me a bit after Dad left, angry/sad to hear I had gotten myself into another time loop, "and for no reason this time," she claimed. She said all this as she provided me with food and water in bed, as well as cleaned my messy room up a bit.

After about an hour, though, she took herself and the boys out for that dentist appointment again. Before that, she asked if the dentist had said in a past today that any of the boys had any cavities. I just shrugged, having not paid enough attention in he past to those little details.

After she was gone, I was left again alone in a quiet house.

After a while, I couldn't even listen to any music. I set all that aside, sticking with just humming as I pulled my own knees close to my chest. I just kinda sat there...waiting for the feeling to go away.

Then, my phone vibrates beside me. Curious. I didn't text anyone but- Was it him?!?

I snatched my phone, turned it on and---

The text wasn't from Ten... It was just from Bakugo. After a long pause, just staring at my phone but not actually processing what was on screen, I forced my eyes to focus and read what my would-be-classmate had said.

- - - - -

You're alive, right?

(It took me a while to respond.)
I'm not able to talk right now though, so...

Can't talk?
Are you hurt?

No. I'm fine. Just...a bit shaken up.

Steadily Running Out of Time (MHA x Reader) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora