A great day

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I couldn't sleep at night, I was so happy that my mom let me go to New York to see Conan that it was the only thing I could think about.
I immediately called Ash and Ali to tell them the great news. I still can't believe that.
The concert is only in May and we are in January but it's only some months, it's quickly.
I went to kitchen after taking a shower to eat breakfast before school, when suddenly my phone rang. It was Kevin.
I answered the phone and he said he was right outside my door waiting for me to go to school.
I didn't knew he was gonna pick me up for school today. I ate the breakfast a little faster and went outside. He was inside his car staring at my house when he saw me
- Hi Emy!!- he said smiling.- How are you today?
- Hi Kev, I'm great and you?
- I'm very happy after yesterday, I'm so excited to go to the concert in May!!!
- Yes, me too!! I still can't believe my mom let me go.
He smiled and opened my door, I entered in the car and he drived to school, he's always so nice to me.
He stopped the car and we went to school.
Sometimes he just looks at me and smile, I wonder what he thinks every time he stares at me like that.
After school we decided to go buy some ice cream my favorite it's Ben & Jerry's cookie dough. It's just soooo good. After that we went to the park and sat on the bench talking about our dreams and what do we wanna do in the future.
- I think I wanna write songs.- said Kevin- I really love music and I think it's my vocation, but... I don't really know how to write a good song.
- I can help you with that!!! First you need inspiration, what do you wanna write about?
- I wanted to write a love song- I looked at him with a weird face, I'm gonna help him writing a love song, how??- about the girl I like.
- Oh you like a girl?- he smiled at me.
- Yes, I do and she's the best person I know!!
- Really? Ok, can you tell me who is her?- I can't believe I'm asking this, I hate love and now I'm asking about it?? Oh god that's not me at all.
- Nope, I will never tell you, nobody will ever know who is her. Not even her.
- Oh ok.
I started saying to him to describe the things he likes about her.
- Well... she's sweet, lovely, pretty, she has the prettiest eyes and the best music taste ever.- I don't know but that description seemed familiar.
- Oh she looks amazing!! But can we talk about other things? You know that I hate love, plus, it's almost February and it's almost Valentine's Day. I hate that day so I spend it listening to Crush Culture and reading some book about something that has nothing to deal about love, like Harry Potter. But not the last books, where Ron and Hermione, and Harry and Ginny end up together.
- Oh I forgot you hate love, that's pretty sad to be honest. What if someone starts liking you would you ever like someone like that?
- I don't really think so, I hate those things, love it's something I don't really believe, but let's talking about something else.
- Ok.
We walked around the park and started talking about music, movies and flowers.
- Did you know that it's almost February?? Have the flowers wilted??- he asked.
- I don't know but maybe not yet.
We kept talking and he took me home after a while. I said goodbye to him and entered in my house.
This day was really amazing and I loved it but something made me curious... who is the girl Kevin likes?

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