Let me tell you a story about a boy and a girl...

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*One week passed*

"The detective was sure of his case, the girl was dead but... who killed her? He had no clue, and that was starting getting suspicious, so I followed him. At first, everything looked normal, I checked his house and the pictures and hints of the crime that were on the wall, that was when I noticed something. All this time, the murderer that killed the girl, was him. He was the murderer. I was scared, I needed to call the police, I turned back and-"
- Hey, I was on the best part.- I said when Kevin closed my book.
- What are you reading? You've been obsessed with this book for days!!!
- It's a book about a murderer that happened on Halloween, you know how much I love detective and crime books!!!
- Yeah, I know, but we agreed to go out for a walk.
- I know, I know, but let me finish this chapter first.
- Fine.
- Thank you, mwah!!!
- Ah, why do I love you so much?
- Because you're crazy hehe.
- Yeah, I'm crazy, crazy about you!!!
- Oh-
As he said that I started blushing, I was sure my face was all red and I was trying to get calm, but his smile wouldn't let me. I went to my bedroom to keep reading my book in peace, but every 5 minutes, Kevin appeared just to annoy me. I was getting pissed because of him, but I put "All-American B***h" by Olivia Rodrigo to play and decided to scream to it.
- Honey, come on, you promised we were going out today!!!
- I'm sorry, I can't hear you, I'm streaming Guts, come back later!!!
- Are you being serious right now??
- Yes, the most serious I've ever been.
- Fine, I'll go alone.
- Noooo, wait for meeee!!! Just wait a little so I can finish listening to Guts, pleaseeee!!!
- Ok, fine, but I'll listen with you.
- Yeyyyyyy!!!
After I played Guts, I finally went out with Kev. It was a Friday and it was 13th, so I was kinda scared of what could happen. I usually don't believe in bad luck, but bad things always happened to me on that day so... I'd prefer not to take the risk. Maybe I should have told Kevin to stay home and watch a movie instead, but I didn't. I was dumb enough to accept to go out, WHY IS HE SO CUTE??? IF HE DIDN'T DO THAT CUTE LITTLE SMILE IT'D BE EASIER FOR ME TO TELL HIM TO STAY HOME!!!
Anyways, we went to walk across the park, when we saw Cami, we immediately went to talk with her.
- Cami!!! Hiii, how are you?- I said.
- Oh, ah, Hiii!!!- she was on the phone so she was probably distracted, after that she smiled at us.- Sorry, I was talking with my friend Isa, you don't know her.
- She seems very nice, Cami!!!- Kevin said, he was always so sweet, I wonder how I didn't fell for him before.- So... how are you??
- I'm great, I was just thinking about... stuff.
- Ohhhh, What specifically??- I asked
- I'd rather not say, sorry.
- It's okay, if you don't wanna say I totally respect that!!!
- Thank you!
- Also... do you remember Ken? The boy you helped because his girlfriend was cheating on him with Heather?
- Ah, yes! Ofc I know!!!
- What do you think about him?
- Like what?
- I don't know, in general, he's nice, don't you think so?
- Yeah, I guess. He's a nice person.
- Well... okay!!!
- Why do you wanna know btw?
- For nothing, just curiosity.
- Are you sure? You sound weird.
- Yes, I'm 100% sure! Don't worry!!!
- Okay... I think I'll believe you... for now...
- Changing subjects, who is that girl, your friend, Isa??- Kevin asked, I was also curious.
- Oh, she's an old friend I met some years ago!!! We share the same love for music and Conan.
- She's so real for that.- I said.
- She sounds great!!! Maybe we'll meet her someday.
- She is moving here so, she's going to our school too!!! You'll probably meet her very soon.
- Oh my god, that sounds great!!!- I said.
- Well, we have to go, it was nice to see you, Cami!!!- Kevin said, with a big smile on his face.
- Bye Cami!!!- I said and waved at her before we left.
- Bye guys!!!- Cami said.
We had no specific place we wanted to visit, so we just went to a random store in the middle of the street. It was called Pull & Bear and it was a clothing store. It was very popular in many places but I personally never saw one, it was the first time. Since I had some money on my wallet, I decided to buy a cute skirt I saw. It was black with little white stars. It was just the cutest skirt ever!!!
When we were at the queue to pay for the skirt, a girl entered in the store. She had some black sunglasses, a leather jacket, big black boots, black pants and a yellow t-shirt that said "Never Ending Song" in black. She looked crazy and everyone was staring at her, I never saw someone that looked like that. She also had long curly hair and that made me jealous, because all my life I wanted curly hair. I couldn't stop looking at her, I didn't really knew why. After grabbing some clothes, she walked in our direction, and I got scared because I thought she was going to say anything because I couldn't stop looking at her, but no, she just walked to the queue to pay for her clothes. I was relieved.
Kevin looked at the girl after a while, I didn't knew what he was doing, but suddenly he said
- Hi.
- Ah... Hi? Are you talking to me?
- Oh, yes, how are you?
- Are you okay? Do I need to call the police. I'm sorry but I don't know who you are, I never saw you in my whole life.
- Sorry, I just thought you looked like my friend's friend that recently moved here.
- What's her name?
- Cami.
- OOOOHHH, YEAH SHE'S MY FRIEND!!! Are you Kevin? Her childhood best friend?
- She told me a lot about you. She missed you for so long.
- Yes, but know we're together again, best duo to ever exist!- Was he saying that we were not the best duo to ever exist? What the hell?
- Okay, so I think I should formally present myself. My name is Isa, I used to live in NYC but I am originally from Aveiro.
- Where the hell is Aveiro??- I asked.
- It's a city in Portugal.
- Where the hell is Portugal?? Sorry, I didn't knew that country existed.
She looked so pissed, I thought she was going to punch me, but no, she just said it was a country in Europe.
- Sorry, I never heard about it, but it looks like a cool place, ig.
- It's a nice place depending on where you live.
- I love Portugal!!! My grandpa is Portuguese.
- Wait, you never told me that, why?
- I don't know, you never asked.
- Okay, I have to go now. I start school on next Monday and I need to prepare myself emotionally. So, can you guys please hurry up, it's you next and I can only leave after you guys pay because I have to pay for my clothes first, and I can't if you guys don't pay, because otherwise the queue will not move!!!
- Oh, sorry, we're paying rn!!!- Kevin said.
- Thank you.
I paid for the skirt and then we left. That girl Isa looked so annoying, but maybe that was because she and Kevin couldn't stop talking? I didn't like her at first, but maybe that would change after I knew her a little better. Anyways, after we left the store we went to Starbucks, because at that point we basically lived there, we were always there!!!
We ordered 2 coffees, 1 chocolate muffin and a cookie. We sat and ate together while chatting about the weather, so "Head over Heels" coded. It was such a nice moment, and I was happy because nothing bad was happening, it was the first time that nothing happened at Friday the 13th. I was feeling good, relieved too. That was when the things got worse...
- Hi, stupid sister and perfect guy!- NOT HEATHER APPEARING TO DESTROY OUR HAPPINESS.
- Hi, Heather and... Barbie, right?
- Yes, it's Barbie.
- Kevin, don't talk to them, they are so repulsive. Let's just leave!!!
- You're not even going to say hi to us?? How rude of you. I can't believe you are my sister.
- I'm not going to say hi to the worst person I've ever met, unless you want me to punch your face, just leave. Nobody wants you here. You're just annoying. So, bye-
- Let's go, Heather, let's leave the cute couple alone.
- Wait a second.- Heather grabbed Kevin's face and kissed him so quickly he had no time of reaction. Wait... SHE KISSED MY BOYFRIEND?!?
- Get off me, Heather!!!
- Sorry, you're too nice, I'm still not over you.
- Excuse me, Heather?? Idk if you remember but... I AM YOUR GIRLFRIEND?!?
- Oh, come on, don't make a scene, Barbie, it was just one kiss!
- One kiss... one kiss... ONE KISS?!? YOU ARE A DEAD GIRL!!!
I jumped into Heather and punched her face. She deserved it. I had lost my mind (again), but what could I do at that moment? She had kissed my man!!!
Suddenly someone appeared and separated us. It wasn't Kevin, it wasn't Barbie. It was... Isa??
- Guys, stop!!! Why are you punching this girl, what did she do??
- Yeah, what did I do, Emily?
- You little-
- She kissed me.- Kevin said.- She knew that me and Emily are dating, still, she kissed me. It was so fast I couldn't even react.
- I see. Well, she indeed looks crazy, so it's not surprising she did such a thing.
- HEY!?
- Sorry, it's true, what's your name again?
- Heather.
- This is a thing only Coneheads understand.
- Real.- I said.
- Of course not all the people named Heather are stupid, but you are one of the stupid ones.
- I'm not "stupid" I'm slay.
- You are everything but slay "sister".
- Huh... I don't like you at all.
- Ok, everyone, I don't know what the hell is going on here, but just to clarify anything, haha, Heather. You, me, it's over. There's no more us, just me living my own life, and I hope I'll never see you again. Like, never ever. I'm leaving. Sorry for what happened, guys. I didn't want it to end up like this. Bye.
Barbie left after what she said. Was she being nice??? How weird after all she did to Ken. Anyways, I couldn't believe that Isa appeared on the right time, out of nowhere. That was extremely suspicious...
- I'm leaving too, I don't wanna hang out with losers. Bye-bye.- Heather said and then she left, FINALLY.
- Thanks for appearing in right time, Isa. What are you doing here?
- You know, Starbucks it's my favorite café EVER! I literally spent my whole days on it when I lived in NYC. When I found out there was one right next to my house, I had to come. I can't survive without my Hot Chocolate and cookie!!!
- Hot Chocolate? What about coffee?- I said.
- Oh no. I hate coffee. It's just so bad, I don't know why people love it so much. Makes me wanna throw up.
- Y-you... h-hate...c-c-coffee??
- Yeah, why?
- Emy, please, control yourself.
- Kevin, please do something, she's losing her mind!!!
- I'll handle it.
I was losing my mind, that was when Kevin kissed me. After that, I stopped screaming and making a scene.
- Are you okay now??
- I am, thank you, Kevin!
- You're welcome!
- Okay, now that you are in a normal mood, can I sit with you guys? Besides Cami you're the only people I know in town.
- Of course!- Kevin said.
- Why not.- I said, even though I wasn't very happy with the situation.
- Also I just love your shirt!- Kevin looked at Isa and said.
- Aw, thank you!!! I love Never Ending Song literally so much!!!
- I want the Never Ending tee so much!!!
- The tee is cute, where did you buy it?
- You seriously don't know, Emily?
- No, I don't, Kevin. Why?
- It's from Conan's store...
- OKAY!- I said.
Isa put "Never Ending Song" to play and we listened to it while we were eating. IT WAS SO GOOD, HOW COULD I NOT KNOW IT?? Anyways, the problem was solved.
- AGREED!- Kevin said.
- I just love Conan so much. I can't believe I didn't went to the NYC show...
- We did!!! It was when me and Emily got together.
- Really?
- Yes, Kevin offered me the tickets. It was so cute.
- Yeah, and then we kissed during Heather and Conan told us to stop.
- I miss that day everyday!
- I KNOW!!!
- After the concert I bought the "Superache is for virgins" tee. I just love it so much.
- Yeah, before that you were always trying to steal mine.
- Yesssss, so true.
- You guys have such great stories, I wish I had that.
- Awwwwww, Isa.- Kevin said.
- Besides Cami I didn't have a lot a friends and none of them really cared about me, but now things have changed, because I have you guys!!!
After what Isa said, I felt bad for the way I thought about her. She's actually very nice.
- You can always count on us, Isa.
- Yes, we are here for you!- Kevin said.
- Thank you, guys!!! You really are the best!
- You too, Isa!!!- I said.
- Now I get why Cami has a crush on you, Emily. You really are amazing, but you got a boyfriend. Poor Cami...
- Wait, what-

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