The game night

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The next day I saw Alice and Ashley at school. We had agreed to make a game night on Sunday, we also invited Kevin. It was at Alice's house and we had planned this for months, it was gonna be perfect!!! We always loved playing board games, like Monopoly, Clue and Trivial. I was so excited.
We were having science when Jake appeared in front of me. I haven't heard of him since he thought I was dating Kevin. I was wondering what he wanted
- Hello, Emily!!!- he said with a confusing face
- Hi, Jake! What's up?
- I'm great!! What about you?
- I'm nice too!!! Do you want to tell me something??- as I said that he looked nervous.
- Well... remember that day when I asked if you were dating Kevin?
- Yeah, I remember. Why?
- Well, that day I was mad, and sad because I thought you only rejected me because of him and I think I need to apologize to you.
- But you did nothing to me, Jake. Why do you need to apologize?
- I don't know I just felt like I needed to apologize to you.
- Oh, ok then. Do you have something more to tell me?
- Actually, yes! Do you remember you told me that I should find someone who loves me, and I love too?
- Yes, I do.
- Well, I listened to you and now I have a girlfriend!!!
- Omg!! Jake that's so amazing!! I'm happy for you!!- I hugged him and we smiled at each other.
- I wanna know who she is!!!
- Well... it's Kayla!!!
- Oh my god!!! Kayla is such an amazing person, and I know she liked you for a while. I feel happy for you. Even though love is not a thing I like, I still feel happy for you guys!!!
I hugged Jake one more time when Kevin appeared. He looked at us with the saddest eyes I've ever seen, then he ran out of the class. I followed him into the bathroom. It was a bathroom for boys and girls. I asked him why was him sad
- Well, I just saw the girl I love with another guy. I feel so bad, even though I know I could never have a chance with her. But somehow I can't believe that. She said she didn't want a boyfriend and then she appeared hugging another guy? What happened...?- he looked so sad and I felt really bad for him, even though I don't know who is her.
- Omg Kev, I'm so sorry for you!! If she did that than she's just stupid. She doesn't deserve you. Do you want me to talk to her to understand what is going on between her and the guy she was hugging??
- You don't need to, it's useless. I think I'm just not good enough for her...
- Why are you so sure about that?
- Because she didn't even realized that I'm in love with her.- he looked right in my eyes and somehow I felt guilty, even though I have nothing to deal with her.
- You can be more obvious and tell her face to face that you love her.
- Well... I love you!!!
- Exactly that!!! Now you just have to tell her that!!!
- I just did...
- Omggg!!! When?!? I don't see her.
- Maybe you will never see her, she's blind and dumb.
- Ohhh, pour girl!!!
- Yeah yeah, pour girl.
We went to the other classes until the end of the day. It was Friday so it was almost The game night, I was really really excited!!!!
I was still curious about the girl Kevin likes, she sounded very weird. Like if she's dumb and blind why does he likes her? I don't know and I'm not gonna question anymore to be honest.
Some days passed and it was finally The game night!!! Me and Ashley met at Alice's house at 6p.m. and Kevin appeared at 7p.m..
This was gonna be incredible, this was Kevin's first game night and it needed to be amazing!!!
We started playing after dinner, we played Monopoly and Clue as always because they are our favorite games, but this time we played a new one
- Guys!!! I have a new game for us to play.- Alice said very excited.- Have you ever played truth or dare?
- I only played it once when I was at middle school.- Ashley said.
- I only played it with my cousins but I think it's a good idea for us to play it.- I said, then everyone looked at Kevin.
- Kevin, have you ever played Truth or Dare?
- To be honest, I've never played it.
- OMGGG, YOU HAVE TO!!!- We said at the same time. Like, how can him never played Truth or Dare never in his life? He needed to, at least once.
We started playing, we played a few times and it was so funny. Now it was Kevin's turn
- Kevin, truth or dare?- Ashley said very excited while Kevin looked very nervous.
- Well... truth!! I don't want to choose dare, haha.
- Do you like someone at the moment?
- Actually I do, haha.
- Oh my god!!!! Who?
- Nobody will ever know, that's a secret.
We moved on with the game and finished after a while. It was getting late so we went to sleep. The next day we needed to wake up earlier because of school. I didn't want this amazing night to end, but it wasn't our last game night.
At least I went to sleep happy, I really love to spend time with my best friends, they are just the coolest and best people alive!!! But now I could only think about one thing... Kevin and Conan Gray's concert in New York!!! I still couldn't believe that I was going there, it was to good to be truth, but now I needed to sleep. Everyone was already sleeping so I did the same. We decided to meet after school tomorrow at the coffee shop as always but somehow I felt like that day was gonna be better than the others, so I dreamed about it and slept happy.

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