Give Ken a chance

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It was 8 a.m. when I woke up. I was still very sleepy but I got up and changed my clothes. When I looked back at the bed, I saw that Kevin was still there. He never left. We slept together. Damn no, no no no. My mom was gonna kill me. I knew we did nothing but hugging, but still I did the opposite of what my mom told me to do. I was literally so done. What was I going to tell her?
I told Kevin to get up very quickly before his mother entered in the room. She couldn't see us like that, she would mistake everything. My life was already messed up, I didn't needed anything more to make it worse.
- Emy, why are you so worried?
- If my mom finds out that you slept in the same bed as me, she'll kill me and then she'll kill you.
- Aren't you just being a little dramatic?
- She was very specific.
- I'm sure she's not gonna kill us because I laid next to you for you to sleep. We did absolutely nothing but hugging.
- I know that, but my mom doesn't.
- You can always tell her.
- I'm sure she wouldn't believe me...
- Hey, I'm here for you and we can explain her everything. She's your mom and she trusts you. She trusted in you when you asked her to go to New York with me, so she'll trust you now, about this situation.
- Are you sure?
- I am. And you should too.
- Ok, you might be right. I'm just being dramatic.
- Thank you. Now, can I go back to sleep?
- Yes, yes you can.
- Thank you. I love you!!!!
- Yes. I'm gonna eat something.
- Ok, bye bye.
- I'm not gonna leave your house. I'm just gonna eat something.
- Oh, ok. Can you bring me some food when you come back?
- You are literally so lazy.
- I know. But at least I'm funny.
- Yes, very funny.
- Are you saying I'm not funny?
- Me? Neverrrr.
- Yes, you are. How dare you? I'm gonna bite your nose.
- Now I don't want anymore.
He got up and started running after me. I guess I really offended him. I was just being sarcastic. He really loved to run after me. Why did he want to bite my nose so much? I didn't knew but I kept running until I was in the kitchen. His mom was already awake.
- Kev, why are you running after Emily?
- He wants to bite my nose.
- Why does he wants to bite your nose?
- I don't know either. I was just being sarcastic.
- She told me I was not funny.
- I was just being sarcastic. Don't kill me for that.
- Oh, kids, stop being like this because of nothing. Now, go put a shirt Kevin, stop running in your underwear.
I had only realized that Kevin had been all that time without a shirt and pants when his mom said it. I was so embarrassed. Wait... I was hugging him all night shirtless... WHAT?!? My life was so embarrassing. I wanted to escape, I could feel my face getting red. I had no other option but stay there, and I also tried not to cry, because I was literally so embarrassed. I knew he was my boyfriend but still... TOO EMBARRASSING.
- Ok mom, I will. Give me a moment, I'll be right back.
- Ok son. I'm gonna keep making the breakfast.
- Hehehe. Byeeee!!!
- I'm gonna bite your nose, don't even try to run away. It's your faith.
- No it's not. And I have to go soon. I promised Ashley and Alice that I was gonna meet them today at 10 a. m. and it's almost that time.
- Oh, then I'll bite your nose after.
- Don't. Even. Try.
- Do you think I won't try?
He ran to me so fast that I didn't even noticed what was happening. He grabbed my face and somehow he really bite me. He really had the guts to do that. EWWWW IT WAS SO WEIRD!!! I was never gonna let him do that again.
- I told you.
- Just because of that I'm leaving right now.
As I said that I really left. I would rather buy food at Starbucks at 9:30 a.m. then have my nose bitten again by my shirtless boyfriend. He was so random, but I kinda liked that. It made me laugh, sometimes.
I entered in Starbucks and ordered a coffee (as always) and a cookie, because the best cookies are the ones from Starbucks, we have to admit. While I was ordering I saw Barbie sitting on a table, and she was with Heather... HEATHER!!! I hate that girl so much, it could pass a million years and I'd still hate her for all she did. She was my sister but that didn't changed the fact that she turned my life like hell. I tried to ignored them as much as I could, I even covered my face with my hood but still they saw me... damn it. They called me when I finished ordering.
- Hey, Emily! What's up?- said Barbie, I didn't liked that girl, she looked so... fake.
- Oh, Hi sister!- said... Heather, I even hated to say her name, and she even got the guts to talk to me in a sarcastic way, I was so done with her.
- Hi, well, I was great, it was an amazing morning and everything was doing well, but then you guys started talking to me so now my day was ruined, thank you for asking.
- You're welcome!!!- said my "sister", I was not going to mention her name again, not even once in that day.
- Coffee for Emily!!- the Starbucks worker said.
- Well, my coffee is here and I got my cookie so I'm leaving right now. You know, I have way better things to do than staring at your faces and hearing your voices. So, excuse me but I'm going. Bye bye!!!
As I said that I grabbed my coffee and left, I had no more patience to hear not even one more word from their mouths, they were so freaking annoying. Plus, I had to meet with Ashley and Alice at 10 a.m. and it was already 9:50 a.m. so I needed to be quickly. I took a bite from my cookie and then I drank my coffee as faster as I could while trying to run without fall like a clumsy. We were going to the cinema so I couldn't get late.
After running for a while, I got to the cinema at exactly 10 a.m. that was really close! Then I started looking for the girls and then I saw them, and, for my surprise, I saw Ken standing next to them, with a bucket of popcorns on his hand. They were chatting so I assumed they knew him, maybe they were even friends.
- Hey guys!!!
- Emily, you came!!!- said Alice with a big smile.
- Of course I did!!! I wouldn't miss our cinema day for nothing in this world.
- Not even to be with Kevin, huh?- said Ash while laughing a little.
- Well, I like him, but I like you guys WAY more!!!
- We hope so.- said Alice, and then they hugged me.
- Emily, Hi!!!- said Ken.
- Oh, Hi Ken! What are you doing here?
- Well, Ash and Ali invited me, so I decided to come. If this was a time ago I'd probably be at a bookstore with Barbie, trying to find good books for both of us read at the same time, but after what happened I had nothing better to do...
- Oh, I'm so sorry, Ken...- I said.
- It's ok.
- Wait, what happened to Ken?- Ash asked.
- Well... the other day I saw Barbie cheating on me with some girl, it was a girl called Cami that told me and made me see that. If it wasn't for her I'd probably still be with her... that girl is amazing!!!
- Uuuuuhhh, you think Cami is amazing, huh?- I said, he started smiling after I said that.
- Yes, I do!!! Well, I guess I can tell you guys, after that I kinda started having a crush on her!!!
- Omggg!!! Really??- we all said at the same time.
- Y-yes... she's like so nice and cute and funny... I really really like her!!!
- That's amazing!!! I'm sure she'll like you back!!!
- Are you sure, Emily?
- Yeah, Cami is amazing and I see no reason for her to not like you!!!
- You are incredible!!! Thank you, really!!!
- You're welcome!!!
- Well, it's time, the movie is starting so we should get in.- Ali said.
- You're right, let's go!
We all entered on the cinema room, there wasn't many people when we got there, it was almost like we had the room all for us. It was really cool to be honest. Before the movie started, I couldn't stop thinking about what Ken said, about being in love with Cami, they would be so cute together, but what if she doesn't like him back? That would break his heart, and his heart was already broken, he didn't deserve to pass through that pain again. I should probably just go talk to Cami after the movie, then the mystery would be solved.
The time passed and the movie ended, it was such a great movie. We all loved it and would come to see again... except Ken. I think he got traumatized by the movie.
- I-I cannot believe this... even on the movie Ken always end up alone!!!
- Ken, it's just a movie, about patriarch, it's not real life, but it has a strong meaning on it.
- Ken, please calm down!!!- Alice said.
- Why did you guys bring me to see Barbie?
- Because we didn't knew what happened between you and your girlfriend called Barbie!!!- Ash said.- If we knew we'd pick another movie, not a traumatic one. We are sorry for this, Ken.
- It's ok, I just don't wanna see this ever again in my life, it reminds me of that day...
- We understand that, Ken.
- Emy, can I talk to you for a second? Alone, please?- Alice said. She looked worried about something, I just didn't knew what.
- Of course! Are you ok?
- Well... I am but... I needed to tell you this in private.
- Oh, ok. What do you need to tell me?
- Well... it's complicated but I'll tell you anyways, I need someone that will understand me.
- Ok, I'm here for you girl!!!
- Remember that girl Ken talked about? The one he has a crush on?
- Oh, Cami, yes of course!!! She's a nice friend.
- Well we became friends a while ago and after what he said I couldn't tell you guys what I was planning to, anymore.
- What?
- Ok, I'm gonna tell you, but you need to promise you won't say a word about this to anyone, ok?
- Okay, I won't! I promise.
- Ok, thank you. I-I like her. I like Cami. Here I said it. I didn't knew how to say it but now I did so I feel much better.
- Oh-oh, you like Cami?
- Yes, I do!
- That is amazing, oh my god!!!
- Yes, I know. I didn't knew how other people would react because it's not everyone who knows that I'm bi, but I knew I could trust you.
- Of course you can!!! I'm so glad you told me this, even more because you are finally over that girl from your camp, haha.
- That was a phase...
- Yeah, a phase that made you go crazy all summer.
- Let's not talk about that, okay?
- Yeah, of course.
- Now, let's go back, they are probably about to leave right now and we don't want to be left behind!
- You're right, let's go!!!
We went to the rest of the group and then we all left together. After a while everything went to their homes, and then I went alone to mine. When I opened the door I was surprised by seeing Kevin sitting on the couch with Jewel laying on his lap.
- Kevin, what are you doing here?
- Well, I wanted to talk with your mom before you did, and explain her everything, and also asking if I could have dinner here, today it's lasagna day and I won't lose your mom's lasagna for nothing in the world!!!
- I can't believe you did that. How did she react??? Am I dead? Are you dead? Well you are in front of me so you are clearly not dead, or maybe you are and I'm just seeing your ghost right now!!! Oh damn, oh damn, I need to run!!! Where is her?? I need to hide before she sees me!!!
- Emy, calm down!!! She is at the grocery store, she went there to get some ingredients for the lasagna, and she didn't got mad. She actually was happy because I helped you feel better.
- Really? So I'm not dead?
- You're are not dead!
- And you are not dead?
- I'm not dead either.
- Oh, thanks god. I was already panicking. I feel better now.
- I'm glad you feel better. Now let's watch some tv together before your mom comes, ok?
- Ok, let's watch Gravity Falls!!!
- You chose, let's watch it then.
- Yeyyyy, you're the best boyfriend everrrr!!!
As I said that I kissed his cheek and then put my head on his shoulder. I really loved that moment. Just me, Kevin and Jewel watching Gravity Falls. That was just such a good and comfortable moment where I felt that nothing could hurt me, that moment felt like a shield that protected me from everything else that could hurt me in the world, and that was the best feeling ever.

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