Kevin's view (again)

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I kissed her. I can't believe I kissed Heather. The worst part was that Emily saw. I felt so stupid, but this wasn't necessarily bad. I was feeling like she was jealous, I just didn't knew why. I needed to stop thinking about Emily, she was just a friend, I needed to forget her.
- Kevin? Are you ok?- Heather said.
- Yeah, yeah I'm ok.
- Are you sure about this?
- Yes, I wanna date you.
It was done, now I was Heather's boyfriend. Heather liked me for a long time, I know I told Emily that I met her at guitar classes but I already knew her before that. She was the daughter of one of my mom's friends, so we used to play together and stuff. One day some months ago she told me that she liked me, but I didn't liked her like that. Then Emily appeared and it was love at first sight. I couldn't stop thinking about her, I never felt that for no one before. She was the first person I really liked, but she didn't liked me back, so I decided to move on. Heather still liked me and since I had lost my hope for Emy, I gave her a chance and agreed to date her. Maybe I could finally forget Emily and really start liking Heather.
- What should we do now?
- Holding hands, it's what couples usually do. Give me your hand.
- Ok.
I held her hands and then pulled her closer. I kissed her again. I realized that Emy didn't saw us kissing before, but now she saw. She ran away, I didn't knew where she ran to. I could had followed her, but it would be weird since I was running after a girl that was not my girlfriend, so I just let her go. I said goodbye to Heather and then went to class.
On my way to class I saw a girl, she looked familiar to me, so I went to talk to her.
- Hi! Have we met before?
- Hi!! Omg, it's you!!!
- It's me?
- Yeah, it's you. Kevin, right?
- Yes, it's me!!
- Don't you remember me? It's me, Cami!!!
- Omggg, Cami?!?
- Yes!!! I missed you so much!!!
- I missed you too!!!
It was Cami, one of my best friends since I was a child, we met when we were 3 years, when I lived in New York. I never heard of her after we moved here.
- You look the same, Kevin.
- Oh, really? I still look like a 5 years old kid?
- Hahaha. No, but your face looks the same, just a little bit older.
- Haha. Wait, what are you doing here, on Texas??
- Well... my parents got divorced some time ago, and my mom is from here, so she wanted to come back, she always loved this city.
- Oh... I'm so sorry Cami.
- That's ok, this things happen almost always. It could be worse, but still, I miss how were.
- True... How long have you been here, on this school??
- Since it started?? I never saw you here.
- Me neither, what a coincidence we met now.
- Yes!!! Well, I need to go to class, but here's my number, we can talk later. Byeeee!!!
- Yes, sure!! Byeee!!!
She left and I went to my class. I was starting getting worried about Emily, where was she?
I still loved Emily, but no, I couldn't be with her, I was with Heather now. I was not gonna think about Emily, not anymore, it was over. For now she was my best friend, that was already pretty good, right? Better having her as a best friend than nothing, at least I didn't lost her after giving her that letter.
We were having maths, nobody was paying attention to the class. Emily was not there, she was not in our class. What happened to her?
The teacher was about to start talking when a student from other class appeared, we didn't knew why was him at our class.
Everyone started running to the hallway, and I almost started crying when I saw who was fighting. It was Emily, she was fighting... with Heather!?! Why were they fighting?? I didn't knew but I needed to stop the fight. Everyone was on a circle watching and screaming, I went to the middle of the circle and tried my best to separate them. Emily, she was weird. It felt like she was possessed by a demon or something. I could see the hate in her eyes, she wasn't like that at all. I tried to calm her.
- Emily? What happened? Why were you guys fighting?
- She... I hate her.- she started crying.
- What?
- But why do you hate her?
- She destroyed my life.
- What?
- She took you away from me, and then you guys kissed...
- Wait, what does that mean? You're not okay, Emily.
- She ran to me, like a crazy women. She was completely out of her mind. She just punched me and started screaming " WHY?!? WHY KEVIN CHOOSE YOU?!? I DON'T DESERVE THIS!!!". Then she jumped on me and punched me more, I didn't knew what to do. The only thing I knew was that she was possessed by jealousy.- Heather said.
- It can't be true, she only likes me as friend.
- That's not true, Kevin. That girl sacrificed her whole reputation, because she liked you. I knew it since I first saw her. It was so obvious. It was written in her eyes, you're the only one that can't see that. Don't you understand?
- Emily... is this true? You punched Heather because you like me?
- What? No... of course not, I just... missed my best friend...
- Are you lying?
- Why would I lie?
- You look like you're lying...
- Why would I lie? It's so clear I'm in love with you...
- You... you just said...
- Yes, I'm in love with you, you idiot...
- But how, how did that happened?
- I guess I always liked you, I just didn't knew how to deal with my feelings, but I finally did, but I had already rejected you...
- Why didn't you tell me? You knew how much I liked you!!!
- I didn't knew, I didn't knew how to tell you. I tried, so many times... but it wasn't the right time. And then... Heather appeared... and you kissed her. So I lost my mind completely. I'm sorry, Kevin. I'm sorry, Heather.
- Emily, wait!!!
She ran away... again. I couldn't believe that, that must had been a dream. Emily liked me? All this time? What was I gonna do? I was with Heather now... I was not gonna break up with her just because she liked me back, it wasn't right. I didn't knew what to do anymore, I was lost...
The classes ended and it was time to go home. I didn't talked to anyone before I left. I was confused and I needed some time alone, to think about it.
When I got home my phone rang, it was Cami. I accepted the call.
- Hey, Kev!
- Hey, Cami!
- How are you? I heard your girlfriend got into a fight. Is she okay?
- Yes, she is now.
- I heard she fought with a crazy girl, what was her name again?
- Her name is Emily, she's my best friend.
- Oh... I didn't knew that. I'm sorry I called her crazy.
- Oh no, don't be sorry. She is crazy, but I like that about her...
- You look sad. Is everything ok with you and Heather?
- Yes, yes sure. The problem is not that...
- Then what it is?
- Well... I like Emily since I first saw her, but I knew she hated love so I never told her, until one day that I decided to write her a letter telling her how much I love her, and then she rejected me and now people say that she fought with Heather because she liked me, and she also told me that she likes me and I don't know what to do anymore.
- If you don't know what to do, then you're dumb.
- What?
- I said you're dumb. If you like Emily just break up with Heather, explain her everything and then tell Emily that you're still in love with her.
- I can't do that.
- Why not?
- Because I was gonna hurt Heather. She will think that I only used her to make Emily jealous.
- Well... it worked.
- But that was not my intention. Heather always liked me, so I decided to give her a chance and... if Emily got jealous that was a bonus.
- So you used her.
- No, I said I didn't. I was not trying to be with Emily anymore, I was trying to forget her.
- Oh, so you're telling me you didn't used her to make Emily jealous but you used her to forget Emily. That's even worse!!! How can you use a girl's feelings just for you to forget your own. That's disgusting.
- Ok, now I get I didn't made the best decision.
- No, you definitely didn't.
- But... what am i gonna do now?
- Talk to both of them, explain the situation.
- You're right, I have to. But I'm gonna do that after Conan's concert.
- Wait... you listen to Conan Gray?
- Yes, me and Emily are obsessed with him.
- Wait... you are a Conehead too?
- Yes!!! Since I'm a kid!!! I have been to at least 3 of Conan's concerts, and I have lots of merch and pictures of him in my room.
- Omg, a true Conehead!!!
- Yes, yes I am. You're going to his concert when?
- Next week, in New York.
- I can't believe this.
- Why?
- Omgggg!!! What a coincidence!!!
- Are you going alone, or with someone?
- I am going with Emily, the tickets were a surprise for her. I knew how much she wanted to go so...
- So you bought them as a love confession that failed, how romantic!!!
- Yeah basically. Wait, don't make fun of me!!!
- HAHAHAHHAA!!! You're so funny.
- Yeah, yeah... funny.
- You should tell her you still like her on the concert.
- What, no. I'm with Heather, remember?
- And so? Break up with her. You were the one that messed up everything first.
- I'm not ready yet. I'll do that after the concert.
- Don't you think that if you don't do that now, Emily will be sad the whole concert? I'm sure you don't want that.
- I never thought about that, maybe you're right...
- I'm always right, Kevin darling!!! Mwahhh!!!
- Stop HAHAHAHA. You're making me laugh.
- Ok, ok I stop. But promise me you'll talk to Emily and Heather, ok? If you don't I'm gonna do that myself.
- Ok, ok, I'm gonna do that.
- That's my boy!!! Remember, don't mess up things more, ok? They are probably both sad and confused, all because of you. You really need to fix things, ok?
- Yes, I promise I will!!
- It's getting late, I have to go having dinner. Bye!!!
- I also have to go now. I have to think about what I am gonna tell them. Bye!!!
I turned off the call, talking with Cami made me realize that I messed up everything. I hurt everyone, Emily, Heather, and even myself. I needed to talk with them before the concert, I just didn't knew how. I needed to rest a little, maybe after that things would be easier. I just hoped I could fix everything I did. I really needed to.

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