What do i do...

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I was so happy for Cami and Alice. I really was, but I couldn't stop thinking about Ken. He really loved Cami, and he got hurt before, and I felt so bad about him that I didn't knew what to do. I had to tell him that she was dating another person. If I told him it was Alice it would probably ruin their friendship. I didn't want that. Not at all!!! They were such nice friends and I wanted to keep it that way. But if I didn't tell him anything it would hurt him more because he would still believe he had a chance with Cami... what was I supposed to do?
I was still at the park when all this thoughts came into my mind. At some point Alice saw me and invited me to sit with them. I didn't knew what else to do so I sat with them.
- Hi, Emily, what are you doing here?
- Well... I was talking with Cami and she ran away, I got worried so I followed her...
- Oh, so are you here for a long time?
- No, no, I just got here. I saw you guys sitting here and I wanted to say hi.
- Oh, okay!- Alice said.- So... how are you?
- I'm great!!! But I wanted to know how Cami was... Are you okay, Cami?
- Yes, I am!!!
- Actually, we got an announcement to make...
- Omg, tell me!!!- pretending I didn't hear the whole thing.- What happened??
- Well... we're actually... dating!!!
- OMG- I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS!!!- again, pretending I didn't hear the whole thing.- How did that happen? I came here to talk to Cami about what happened and...
- Alice kissed me, that made me realize that I kinda had feelings for her but never realized before.
- Ooooooh, makes sense!!!
- Moral of the story, we're dating now.
- I'm really, really happy for you guys!!! You really deserve it!!!
- Thank you, Emily!- Alice said.- We really appreciate your love and support!!!
- Yes, we do!!!- Cami seemed so much happier after all, I was so glad everything ended up great for her... but I still couldn't forget about Ken...
He was such a nice guy and he deserved love more than anyone else... i had to think about something. Maybe if I presented him to someone knew he could forget, Cami... but who?? Wait... ISA!!! SHE WAS PERFECT FOR HIM AFTER ALL!!! Now I just needed to find a way to make them meet each other that seemed natural...
Kevin called me after a while asking me where I was, since I had been with the girls for a while.
- Is everything okay, Emily?
- Yes, don't worry!!! Everything went well!!!
- Oh, thanks god, I'm glad everything is okay now. Are you coming back?? I'm waiting for you in the local mall if you wanna come.
- Okay!!! I will, I just gotta do something first.
- Ok, I'll wait for you then. Meet me near the water fountain.
- Alright, I'll meet you there. Byeeee.
- Bye, I love you!
Now that Kevin texted me, I got the perfect excuse to put my plan in work. Operation: Ken meets Isa so he doesn't cry over the fact Cami got a girlfriend and it's our friend Alice, was officially happening.
I texted Isa and Ken to meet us at the mall so I could make it seem like it was just a normal thing, a group of friends hanging out in the mall with no other intentions but having fun, but actually, my real intentions were to make them fall in love. How? I didn't knew, LOL. I had to think about something quickly.
They both answered me saying that they'd meet us there, I could ask the girls to come with us, but if I did that Ken would know the truth I didn't want him to, so I just said goodbye and left on my way to the mall.
The mall wasn't very big since we lived in a small town, but it was still big enough to have lots of different and popular stores like Bershka, Levi's and Brandy Melville. Those were some of my favorite stores everrrr.
After I arrived I met with Kevin near the water fountain and kissed him. He immediately put "Water Fountain" by Alec Benjamin to play. He was OBSESSED with that song.
- You're so predictable, Kev.
- Why do you think I asked to meet you here?
- I should know that you'd do this.
- I guess you're not a Telepath after all.
- So you got the Conan reference?
- Guess the telepath is me.
- I love the fact that we're both Coneheads.
- Yeah, and I love you!!!
I was not expecting him saying that with so much emotion. I didn't know what to say.
- Yeah, yeah, sure. Let's go!
- Where?
- I told Isa and Ken to come and join us.
- On our date?
- Yes, you know, I got a plan!
- What kind of plan could you have that makes you sacrifice our date?
- So, Cami is now dating Alice...
- She is?
- Yes, and don't interrupt me!
- Sorry, keep going.
- Okay, so, as I was saying, Cami is now dating Alice. I'm really happy for them but the thing is: Ken also has a crush on Cami.
- Oh no...
- SORRY!!!
- And I don't want him to get a broken heart again. So, my idea is simple: get Ken a girlfriend.
- And how the hell do you think you'll do that?
- This is the part where I tell you my amazing plan, I called Isa and I'll try to make them fall in love for each other!!! Tada!!!
- Emily, my love, I love you and you have your heart in the right place (which is weird) but I don't think this is going to work...
- Why?
- Because you can't force two people to fall in love just because you want to.
- Why do you think that?
- Because I already tried to force myself to like someone when I already liked another person.
- Are you talking about me...?
- Yes, I am.
- I still don't know why did you do that...
- Because you rejected me... and Heather liked me for a long time, so I gave her a chance...
- I'm sorry I rejected you, but still, I hated love, and to be honest I still do, but I like being with you!!!
- Let's be honest, would you ever date me at all if I never dated Heather??
- Yes, of course I would!!!
- Then, why did you wait so long to tell me that you liked me?? And why did you reject me in first place...
- Kevin, I swear, it's not what you think-
- Hey guys!- it was Ken, he was with a big smile on his face.- How are you doing?
- I'm doing great!- I said.- And you?
- I'm amazing!!!
- Really?- Kevin said, he looked sad and it was my fault.
- Yes!!! I just got tickets to see Olivia Rodrigo vip!!!
- ARE YOU JOKING?!?- I screamed.
- NO!!!
- OMG-
- I bought 2 tickets and I was planning on giving Cami the other one... I think it's the perfect time to tell her how I feel!!!
Oh no... he wanted to tell Cami that he liked her. I had to do something!
- I'm so sorry, Ken, but Cami doesn't like Olivia... i don't know how, to be honest.
- Oh no... then what am I going to do with the other ticket?
- GIVE IT TO ME!!! I mean... if you want company I can go with you!!!
- What about me? Are you going to leave me for the first guy that appears with Olivia tickets?
- Kevin, it's not like that, please let me explain EVERYTHING!!!
- It's useless... I'm going home. Have fun you guys.
- Kevin, wait-
- I think he's not coming back, Emily. What happened between you guys?
- It's hard to explain... I think I'll just call him later.
- Okay.
- I called Isa, she should be here soon. Do you wanna go to some stores while we wait for her?
- Sure!!! I wanna find something to give Cami.
- Oh- are you sure about that?
- Yes, I am!!! I wanna give her something nice when I tell her I like her.
This was bad, this was really really bad. I had to do something.
- You know what? Let's go to the record stores and rank the albums instead.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, it'll be fun!
- Okay, let's go!
We went to the record store and were there for a while. We were having fun together, but Isa was taking forever to arrive. Where was she?

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