Life Moves On

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Harry continued his training with Horace Slughorn at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, interacting with the younger students each day. But something was missing, Severus hadn't said 2 words to Harry since the night Lucius was at his apartment.

Harry was following Severus Snape during one of his early morning walks, hiding under the invisibility cloak. This was the only way he could get close to him, every time he tried to talk or confront Severus he would run off.

Severus was ignoring Harry with every fiber of his being, using every excuse he could muster. He truly hated not talking to Harry, but the fear of the Ministry and hundreds of students parents finding out he was dating a past student was enough to keep him distant.

Harry used a silencing charm on his feet, getting closer. It was still super early, none of the students were up yet. Why am I doing this?! He was the one who dumped me! Look at me...stalking my ex like a pathetic loser...but I can't help it!

Severus got a chill down his neck, looking around in confusion. He kept walking, strolling through the furthest parts of the dungeon corridors.

Harry got closer, walking side by side with Severus. He had done this multiple times a week, it had become a very bad habit. I need to stop doing this...He sighed heavily, covering his mouth fast.

Severus whipped his head around, pulling his wand out of his cloak fast. He looked around, ready to strike.

Harry ran away fast, not wanting to get caught. He needed to stop doing this every morning during the week, running back to the 1st year's Potion room.

Severus lost his need to continue, quickly walking back to his private quarters. Someone was watching me...but I didn't see anyone...I must be more vigilant!

Harry skipped breakfast, using the time to super clean the classroom and supplies for the day. It wasn't easy to distract himself from his feelings lately, thankfully Hermione and Draco were there for him.


Draco was enjoying having Harry to himself all the time, part of him was very happy Severus wasn't with him anymore...but the other part of him felt terrible for Harry. I can't imagine how painful it must be for Harry...being rejected like this...

The Potion's lab at St. Mungo's was empty and quiet, Draco had gone in early to clean up and organize for the start of the week. His mind was doing cartwheels and flips, wanting so badly to talk to Harry about a few things he had on his mind. I need to ask him...I can't wait any longer!

Draco put on a clean lab coat, beginning to make the first few batches of healing potions for the day. His mind was very distracted, but he still had a job to do.


Harry felt so frustrated, not sure he could finish out the full day. As students started pouring in, he remembered he had a solo day. He sat on the edge of his desk, holding a stack of multiple choice parchment papers. "Take your seats!!! You have a quiz to take today!" He announced once the full class was all in attendance.

Roxanne sat in the first row, smiling wide with her quill in hand, waiting for instructions.

Harry smiled at her, handing her the parchment. "Line up and come take your quizzes! You will answer the questions, you have till the end of the class to finish!" He handed off the papers as each student came up, most of the girls blushing and giggling when Harry's finger caught theirs on handoff.

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