Kiss Me When I'm Down

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Draco was at work, dealing with the normal trivial tasks with his co-workers and employees throughout the day. The day started out normal like any other, the same prep work, the same potions to make, and the same idiots to yes all, it wasn't until Hermione showed up did the day get complicated.

Draco was handing off a slime covered cauldron with slimy stir spoons to his lab assistant, walking over to the wall of clean cauldrons. "I'm short one Dragon Liver! Go to the back and get me a fresh one!"

The lab assistant ran to the back room, coming out a minute or 2 later with a handful of Dragon Liver.

Draco took it from his hand, starting to cut it up and mince the pieces for the big batch, putting it with the rest that were already cut up.

Knock knock knock!!!

Draco looked at the door, wiping his hands off on his towels that hung out of one of his lab coat pockets. "Come in!" He called to the door.

Hermione pushed the door open, taking a few steps inside. "Malfoy?" She called for him.

Draco's eyes went wide at hearing Hermione's voice, dropping a small potion bottle. He dropped down behind his work table, peering over the side. How did she know where to find me?!

Hermione smiled at all the pretty bottles of potions and dry ingredients in sparkling bottles that lined the walls, brushing her fingers over all the leather bound books that sat on the bookshelves. "Malfoy? You here? Harry asked me to come talk with you!"

Draco stood up, walking over. "Granger!" He called to her.

Hermione saw Draco come over, walking over to him. "Malfoy hi! Sorry to drop in like this, Harry told me where you'd be."

Draco dusted off his lab coat. "It's not an issue, it's a slow day." He sat on top of the counter, patting the surface next to him.

Hermione pushed her hands on the edge of the counter, pushing herself up to sit. "Sorry for no notice, I wanted to come talk to you about something."

Draco got a small whiff of lipgloss and perfume, his cheeks blushing slightly. "What did you want to talk about?" He asked. What is she doing here?! Why is Granger in my lab?! She hates me, why did Harry send her here?!

Hermione picked up one of the crystal stir sticks, fiddling with it in her hands. "You and I haven't gotten along growing up...but I think we should start hanging out."

Draco blinked, picking at the wood of the counters edge between his legs. "More or less it being a nasty prick yeah?" He looked at her.

Hermione blushed a little, looking away with a nervous giggle.

Draco furrowed his brow at her reaction. Did...did she just blush?

"Well that's why I came here, Harry asked me to move in." Hermione pulled her new house key from her magic purse, showing it to Draco. "I'm turning his empty basement into a small flat...hope you don't mind."

Draco looked at the key. "What exactly happened??? Not that it's my business but...weren't you shacking it up with the red haired Weasle?"

Hermione knew Draco was not a fan of Ron, but she ignored his rude tude. "Umm...well it turns out he told everyone that Harry didn't want anything to do with his old friends." She levitated the stir stick in her palm. "But that wasn't true so he got in trouble for lying to everyone and after that...Ginny told me Ron had been dosing me with Amortentia for what we can only assume to be...years."

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