First Date

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Draco took Harry to Hogsmeade for their first date, wandering around to watch the daytime shops close for the night. As soon as the sun went down for the night, Draco and Harry made their way over to The Three Broomsticks.

Draco started out slow, ordering them both 2 large frothy mugs of Butterbeer to start off the night. "Here you are, watch the top it's very full." He passed the mug over to him.

Harry took his first few sips, smiling at the butterscotch taste. "I've always enjoyed Butterbeer...oops."

Draco chuckled at the white foam across Harry's lips. "Hang on a second there." He leaned in close.

Harry blushed. "What are you doing???" He looked around, some people staring their way.

"Who cares? Let people look." Draco whispered, kissing the foam from Harry's lips.

Harry smirked slightly, licking his lips to catch the left over bits. "You don't care what people might say?" He asked incredulously.

Draco kissed Harry's cheek. "Why would I care? It hasn't exactly been a secret that I'm gay, Goyle and Crabbe knew I was before I even did! They then discussed it over the 3rd year Hogsmeade trip and it was so embarrassing!"

"Really??? But you like Hermione don't you?" Harry sipped his mug, avoiding the foam.

Draco smiled sweetly at the memories that floated by his mind. "Yes that one came as a bit of a shock honestly...she hated me for a long time because of how mean I use to be...but we've enjoyed each other for a while now and it's nice." He took a few large swigs of his mug.

"But then you're not know I thought I was too but...maybe just being able to enjoy someone without focusing on what body parts they have is the important thing." Harry shrugged.

Draco never really thought much about it. "Do you care that I'm physical with Hermione? I mean this is our first date." He waved at the bartender. "If you want to talk about it we should."

Harry shook his head. "I don't mind that you guys are...intimate." He thought back to Hermione's hands down his pants, choosing to omit that incident. "I like that you took me out, made me feel better."

"Good, she likes you too you know, she's always smiling at you." Draco winked, flagging down the bartender.

Harry blushed, he could still remember her small hands against him, shuddering internally.

Draco ordered 6 shots of Fire Whiskey.

"Are you trying to kill us?!" Harry squeaked, watching the handsome bartender pour the spicy brown liquor into the crystal shot glasses.

Draco chuckled. "3 shots each won't hurt, my treat remember?" He slid the 3 of Harry's shots to him. "Common!" He held one up.

Harry took the shot. "Oh fine then, to hell with it I suppose." He clinked their shots together, downing the whiskey with a hiss.

Draco knocked back his shot quickly. "Ahh yes there's the burn, it's definitely not for the taste." He tipped the shot upside down, putting it off to the side.

Harry picked up the second shot. "I have a question for you."

Draco picked up his second shot as well, clinking their glasses together. "Ask away!" He downed it with a scrunch of his face.

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